
1 general feeling in a place
calm, comfortable, congenial, convivial, cosy/cozy, family, friendly, great, happy, homely (BrE), informal, nice, pleasant, positive, relaxed, warm, welcoming

The bar has a relaxed, friendly atmosphere.

charged, emotional, heavy, highly charged, hostile, oppressive, strained, tense
carnival, electric, festive, heady, lively, party

Before the parade, the atmosphere was electric.

intimate, romantic
rarefied, unique

the rarefied atmosphere of academic life

general, whole

The whole atmosphere in the stadium changed dramatically.

create, establish (esp. AmE), maintain, provide

She tries to create an atmosphere of calm and security for her children.


The restaurant has a comfortable atmosphere.

poison, ruin, sour (esp. BrE), spoil

His blunt comments ruined the atmosphere.

improve, lighten

His funny remarks lightened the atmosphere.


She could sense the hostile atmosphere in the room.

be charged (with sth)

The atmosphere was charged with excitement.

pervade sth, prevail, surround sth

A relaxed atmosphere prevails in the club.

atmosphere between

Since their argument there had been a strained atmosphere between them.

2 the air
heavy, humid, oppressive, polluted, smoky, stuffy
poison, pollute

Pesticides can kill wildlife and pollute the atmosphere.


Last night's storm had cleared the atmosphere.

3 gases around the earth/a planet
lower, upper
thick, thin
enter, leave, re-enter

The spaceship should re-enter the earth's atmosphere later today.

be released into, escape into

Dangerous gases have escaped into the atmosphere.

in the atmosphere

levels of radiation in the atmosphere

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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