
1 rope
throw sb
catch, cling to

He clung to the lifeline and the woman pulled him to the bank.

2 important help
real, vital

Visits from loved ones are a vital lifeline for prisoners.

economic, financial

The state pension is their financial lifeline.

be, become

While my mother was ill, talking to Sheila became a lifeline for me.

give sb, hold out, offer (sb), provide (sb with), throw sb

The organization provides a real lifeline for many women in poverty.

He threw me a lifeline when he offered me a job.


With this one unexpected victory, the team now has a lifeline.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Lifeline — an einem Lifebelt einer Rettungsweste Eine Sorgleine, auch als Lifeline bezeichnet, ist ein Tampen (ein kurzes Seil), mit dem der Lifebelt (ein Gurtgeschirr) eines Seemanns mit einem Wasserfahrzeug verbunden werden kann. Die Lifeline verhindert… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lifeline (EP) — Lifeline EP de Jesu Publicación 4 de octubre de 2007 …   Wikipedia Español

  • lifeline — life‧line [ˈlaɪflaɪn] noun [countable] something a country, organization etc depends on completely: • Hawaii has always been able to count on tourism, its economic lifeline. * * * lifeline UK US /ˈlaɪflaɪn/ noun [C] ► something that will help a… …   Financial and business terms

  • Lifeline — puede referirse a: Lifelines (álbum de David Knopfler), un álbum del músico y compositor británico David Knopfler. Lifeline (álbum de Ben Harper), álbum del cantautor estadounidense Ben Harper. Lifeline (canción), una canción de la banda de hard… …   Wikipedia Español

  • lifeline — n. 1. The anem given to one of the creases on the palm; its length is said by palmists to indicate how long one will live. Syn: line of life, life line. [WordNet 1.5] 2. A line or rope which raises or lowers a deep sea diver. [WordNet 1.5] 3. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • lifeline — (n.) also life line, 1700, rope used somehow to save lives, from LIFE (Cf. life) (n.) + LINE (Cf. line) (n.); figurative sense first attested 1860. Sense in palmistry from 1890 …   Etymology dictionary

  • lifeline — ► NOUN 1) a rope or line thrown to rescue someone in difficulties in water or used by sailors to secure themselves to a boat. 2) a thing which is essential for the continued existence of someone or something or which provides a means of escape.… …   English terms dictionary

  • lifeline — [līf′līn΄] n. 1. a rope or line for saving life, as one thrown to a person in the water 2. any rope strung along or above a vessel s weather deck to provide a handhold as in rough weather 3. the rope by means of which a diver is raised and… …   English World dictionary

  • Lifeline — A lifeline is a line or rope used to support a person who is in physical difficulty, or to prevent someone from getting into physical difficulty. For example, a lifeline may protect a person who is at risk of drowning. Life line also refers to a… …   Wikipedia

  • lifeline — n. rope used to save a life 1) to throw smb. a lifeline vital route 2) to cut a lifeline 3) a lifeline to * * * [ laɪflaɪn] [ rope used to save a life ] to throw smb. a lifeline [ vital route ] to cut a lifeline a lifeline to …   Combinatory dictionary

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