
absolute, bare, very
agreed, guaranteed
federal, legal, mandatory, required, statutory
age (AmE)

Many states impose an age minimum of eighteen for the death penalty.

keep sth to, reduce sth to

Two fire crews managed to keep damage to a minimum.


The sun's temperature reached a minimum in the summer of 1981.

regard sth as

A temperature of 121°C is regarded as the minimum necessary to achieve sterility.


Many people pay the minimum on their credit cards.

above (the) minimum, at (a/the) minimum

Candidates must have a degree at a minimum.

below (the) minimum, down to a minimum

We tried to keep costs down to a minimum.

minimum of

a minimum of $20

a minimum of fuss

the minimum necessary, the minimum needed
the minimum possible

He's always done the minimum possible to pass his exams.

with the minimum of delay, with the minimum of disruption, with the minimum of fuss
with the minimum of effort

The tent can be put up with the minimum of effort.

with the minimum of risk
Minimum is used with these nouns: ↑altitude, ↑amount, ↑charge, ↑delay, ↑disruption, ↑distance, ↑disturbance, ↑duration, ↑expenditure, ↑impact, ↑investment, ↑level, ↑limit, ↑number, ↑payment, ↑penalty, ↑percentage, ↑qualification, ↑quantity, ↑requirement, ↑salary, ↑sentence, ↑size, ↑standard, ↑temperature, ↑threshold, ↑training, ↑wage, ↑width

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • minimum — [ minimɔm ] n. m. et adj. • déb. XVIIIe; mot lat. « le plus petit » I ♦ N. m. 1 ♦ Math. Valeur d une fonction inférieure à celles qui la précèdent ou la suivent immédiatement (opposé à maximum).⇒ extremum. Minimum minimorum : le plus petit des… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • minimum — MÍNIMUM s.n., adv. 1. s.n. Punct, limită, fază reprezentând extrema inferioară. 2. s.n. Cea mai mică cantitate, valoare, intensitate; minim1. 3. adv. În cantitatea, timpul, spaţiul minim2; cel puţin..., pe puţin...; măcar. – Din lat., fr. minimum …   Dicționar Român

  • minimum — I {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. n V, lm M. minimumma {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} najmniejsza możliwa do osiągnięcia wartość czegoś, najmniejsza ilość; najmniejsza wystarczająca, nieodzowna, wymagana do czegoś ilość, wielkość : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Ograniczyć… …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • minimum — I noun bit, dash, drop, fragment, ioi:a, jot, least amount, least part, least quantity, lowest quantity, minim, modicum, morsel, mote, pars minima, particle, piece, quorum, scantling, scintilla, shade, sliver, small amount, small quantity,… …   Law dictionary

  • Minimum — Sn erw. fremd. Erkennbar fremd (18. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. minimum das Geringste , Substantivierung des Superlativs l. minimus der Kleinste (minus). Adjektiv: minimal.    Ebenso ne. minimum, nfrz. minimum, nschw. minimum, nnorw. minimum …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • minimum — / minimum/ s.m. [dal lat. minĭmum, neutro sost. di minĭmus ]. [livello o numero più basso: il m. dei voti per l elezione a deputato ] ▶◀ minimo. ◀▶ massimo, maximum …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • minimum — mìnimum m DEFINICIJA 1. najmanja količina, veličina, mjera itd. [svesti na minimum učiniti da ostane najmanja moguća količina čega], opr. maksimum 2. mat. najmanja vrijednost, ob. u skupu vrijednosti koje poprima neka funkcija ili općenito u… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Minimum — Min i*mum, n.; pl. {Minima}. [L., fr. minimus. See {Minim}.] The least quantity assignable, admissible, or possible, in a given case; hence, a thing of small consequence; opposed to {maximum}. [1913 Webster] {Minimum thermometer}, a thermometer… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Minimum — »Mindestmaß, wert, preis«: Das Fremdwort wurde im 18. Jh. aus lat. minimum »das Kleinste, Geringste, Wenigste« entlehnt, dem substantivierten Neutrum von lat. minimus »kleinster« (vgl. ↑ minus). – Dazu die nlat. Ableitung minimal »sehr klein,… …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • minimum — [adj] least, lowest least possible, littlest, merest, minimal, slightest, smallest, tiniest; concepts 762,789 Ant. largest, maximum, most minimum [n] lowest amount atom, bottom, dab, depth, dot, gleam, grain, hair, iota, jot, least, lowest,… …   New thesaurus

  • mínimum — sustantivo masculino 1. Uso/registro: restringido. Pragmática: intensificador. Límite o grado inferior al que puede llegar una persona o cosa: Se exige un mínimum de esfuerzo. Sinónimo: mínimo …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

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