
extremely, fairly, very, etc.
grossly, highly, positively, profoundly (formal), seriously
completely, entirely (esp. BrE), totally, wholly (esp. BrE)
a little, slightly, etc.

Her statement was deliberately misleading.


Some of the information on the website was dangerously misleading.


The brochure was extremely misleading about the cost of the surgery.

Misleading is used with these nouns: ↑advertisement, ↑impression, ↑information, ↑picture, ↑report, ↑result, ↑statement

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • misleading — UK US /mɪsˈliːdɪŋ/ adjective ► causing someone to believe something that is not true: »The instructions were confusing and even misleading in some cases. misleading advertisements/advertising/adverts »The credit company has been criticized by the …   Financial and business terms

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  • misleading — 01. Their advertising is somewhat [misleading] because they suggest that they will pay the taxes, but actually, the price is so high that it includes the cost of the tax anyway. 02. The politician [misled] the public into thinking he would reduce …   Grammatical examples in English

  • misleading — adj. 1) grossly misleading 2) misleading to + inf. (it is misleading to cite only certain sources) * * * [mɪs liːdɪŋ] grossly misleading misleading to + inf. (it is misleading to cite only certain sources) …   Combinatory dictionary

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