

A bright moon shone high overhead.

large, small
crescent, full, gibbous, half, harvest, new, quarter
waning, waxing

Saturn's icy moons

cover, hide

A large black cloud covered the moon.

fly to, go to, land on, reach

Galileo discovered the moons of Jupiter.

appear, come out, rise
glow, shine
illuminate sth, light sth, light up sth

The moon had almost set and the night was now dark.

wane, wax
hang, hover

The full moon hung high in the night sky.

orbit sth

During the eclipse, the moon passed between the sun and the Earth.

be reflected in sth, reflect off sth

The moon reflected perfectly off the surface of the water.

cast sth

The moon cast its soft glow on the earth below.


The agency wants to establish a permanent moon base.


an astronaut who was killed during the first moon mission

cycle, phase

The calendar gives you sunset times as well as moon phases.

god, goddess
on the moon

the first man to walk on the moon

under a/the moon

The road shone frostily under the full moon.

the light of the moon

They had to work by the light of the moon.

the surface of the moon

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Moon. — Moon. Moon. original visual novel cover. Genre Drama, Horror Game Developer …   Wikipedia

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  • MOON — (Heb. usually יָרֵחַ, yare aḥ; poetical form לְבָנָה, levanah; Isa. 24:23, 30:26; Song 6:10). A deity for ancient Israel s neighbors, the moon is for Israel the lesser light created on the fourth day of creation to rule the night (Gen. 1:16). The …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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  • Moon — (m[=oo]n), n. [OE. mone, AS. m[=o]na; akin to D. maan, OS. & OHG. m[=a]no, G. mond, Icel. m[=a]ni, Dan. maane, Sw. m[*a]ne, Goth. m[=e]na, Lith. men[*u], L. mensis month, Gr. mh nh moon, mh n month, Skr. m[=a]s moon, month; prob. from a root… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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