
little, small
great, leading, powerful, strong
advanced, developed, industrial, industrialized
developing, emerging, Third-World
affluent, prosperous, rich, wealthy

the richest nation on earth

new, young
ancient, old
entire, whole

The entire nation mourned her death.

divided, united
free, independent, sovereign
capitalist, communist
Christian, Muslim, etc.

the imperialist expansion of Western nations in the 1880s

Arab, European, French, etc.

The Soviet Union sent aid to the island nation of Cuba.

maritime, oil-producing, trading
creditor, debtor

In 1950 the UK was the world's largest debtor nation and the US the largest creditor.


France was host nation for the 1998 World Cup.


the member nations of the UN


the threat of attack from terrorists or rogue nations

build, create

They wanted to create a new nation.

divide, unite

The fight against terrorism seemed to unite the nation.

govern, lead
defend, protect

the savage murder that shocked the nation

across a/the nation

swings in public opinion across the nation

among nations

economic inequality among the nations of the world

in a/the nation, within a/the nation

In the nation as a whole there is no desire for war.

nation of

They are a nation of food lovers.

the birth of a/the nation
the interests of a/the nation
the life of a/the nation

They hoped that the exhibition would enhance the cultural life of the nation.

the nation as a whole, the nation at large

The new economic policies were in the best interests of the nation at large.

the nations of the world

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • NATION — LA NATION n’est pas une réalité concrète, mais une idée. Elle n’est pas du même ordre que les formations sociales primaires telles que les clans, les tribus, les villages et les cités. Aucun des facteurs qui expliquent la formation de ces… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Nation — (vor dem 14. Jahrhundert ins Deutsche übernommen, von lat. natio, „Geburt, Herkunft, Volk“) bezeichnet größere Gruppen oder Kollektive von Menschen, denen gemeinsame kulturelle Merkmale wie Sprache, Tradition, Sitten, Gebräuche oder Abstammung… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • nation — Nation. s. f. Terme collectif. Tous les habitants d un mesme Estat, d un mesme pays, qui vivent sous mesmes loix, & usent de mesme langage &c. Nation puissante. nation belliqueuse, guerriere. nation civilisée. nation grossiere. nation barbare,… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Nation — Студийный альбом Sepultur …   Википедия

  • Nation.1 — Official language(s) …   Wikipedia

  • nation — na‧tion [ˈneɪʆn] noun [countable] a country, considered especially in relation to its people and its social or economic structure: • The treaty was signed by 22 nations. • Developing nations want to be sure they re not locked into low standards… …   Financial and business terms

  • Nation — Na tion, n. [F. nation, L. natio nation, race, orig., a being born, fr. natus, p. p. of nasci, to be born, for gnatus, gnasci, from the same root as E. kin. [root]44. See {Kin} kindred, and cf. {Cognate}, {Natal}, {Native}.] 1. (Ethnol.) A part,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Nation — Sf std. (14. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. nātio ( ōnis), einer Ableitung von l. nāscī (nātus sum) geboren werden , das mit l. genus n. Geschlecht, Art, Gattung verwandt ist. Ausgangsbedeutung ist also Gemeinschaft von Menschen derselben… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • Nation — Nation: Das seit dem Ende des 14. Jh.s bezeugte Fremdwort geht auf lat. natio (nationis) »das Geborenwerden; das Geschlecht; der ‹Volks›stamm, das Volk« zurück, das zu lat. nasci (< * gnasci) »geboren werden, entstehen« bzw. zu dem… …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • Nation — (latin) kan både betyde indbegrebet af de mennesker, som har sprog og afstamning fælles. Være en betegnelse for den del af dem, som lever under fælles politisk styring. Endelig en stats indbyggere, uanset om de er forskellige i sprog og… …   Danske encyklopædi

  • nation — (n.) c.1300, from O.Fr. nacion birth, rank; descendants, relatives; country, homeland (12c.) and directly from L. nationem (nom. natio) birth, origin; breed, stock, kind, species; race of people, tribe, lit. that which has been born, from natus,… …   Etymology dictionary

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