- paradox
▪ apparent, seeming (esp. AmE)
▪ great
▪ central, fundamental
▪ curious, interesting, strange
▪ create, pose, present
▪ The facts pose something of a paradox.
▪ address, explore
▪ reveal
▪ explain, resolve, solve
▪ paradox about
▪ The paradox about time is that it seems to go faster as we become older and less active.
▪ paradox between
▪ the paradox between the real and the ideal
▪ paradox in
▪ the paradox in the relationship between creativity and psychosis
▪ paradox of
▪ The author tackles one of the deepest paradoxes of life.
▪ by a curious paradox
▪ By a curious paradox, the team became less motivated the more games it won.
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Paradox — Paradox реляционная СУБД, ныне выпускаемая компанией Corel. Входит в пакет WordPerfect Office. Содержание 1 Paradox для DOS 2 Paradox для Windows 3 Интересные факты … Википедия
paradox — PARADÓX, paradoxuri, s.n. 1. Enunţ contradictoriu şi, în acelaşi timp, demonstrabil; părere (absurdă) contrară adevărului unanim recunoscut; p. ext. ciudăţenie; enormitate, absurditate. 2. (În sintagma) Paradox hidrostatic = faptul că presiunea… … Dicționar Român
Paradox — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La término Paradox puede referirse a: Paradox, banda Alemana de thrash metal. La base de datos Paradox, una base de datos relacional para entorno MS Windows; Paradox Interactive, una compañía de videojuegos sueca.… … Wikipedia Español
paradox — paradox, antinomy, anomaly are comparable terms that involve the idea of expressing or revealing an inner or inherent contradiction and are therefore not always clearly distinguished. A paradox is primarily a statement or proposition which… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
paradox — par a*dox (p[a^]r [.a]*d[o^]ks), n.; pl. {paradoxes} (p[a^]r [.a]*d[o^]ks*[e^]z). [F. paradoxe, L. paradoxum, fr. Gr. para doxon; para beside, beyond, contrary to + dokei^n to think, suppose, imagine. See {Para }, and {Dogma}.] A tenet or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
PARADOX — (déplombeur de logiciels) Logo du groupe, 2006. Paradox est un groupe warez très connu officiant depuis 1990, il excelle dans le crackage de jeux et de programmes les plus divers. Historique Paradox a commencé par les logiciels Amiga puis s est… … Wikipédia en Français
paradox — Adj seltsam, widersprüchlich erw. fremd. Erkennbar fremd (17. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. paradoxos, dieses aus gr. parádoxos, zu gr. dóxa Meinung und gr. para , also gegen die Meinung . Substantivierung: Paradox; Abstraktum: Paradoxie,… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
paradox — Adj. (Mittelstufe) geh.: völlig absurd, widersinnig Synonyme: widersprüchlich, unlogisch Beispiele: Deine Meinung ist völlig paradox. Das klingt paradox … Extremes Deutsch
paradox — (n.) 1530s, from L. paradoxum paradox, statement seemingly absurd yet really true, from Gk. paradoxon, noun use of neuter of adjective paradoxos contrary to expectation, incredible, from para contrary to + doxa opinion, from dokein to appear,… … Etymology dictionary
Paradox — (v. gr.), was entweder unseren eigenen od. den gewöhnlichen u. allgemein als wahr angenommenen Ansichten zuwiderläuft. Daher: Paradoxie, die Seltsamkeit u. auffallende Sonderbarkeit in Meinungen, kühne Behauptungen etc. Paradoxon, dergleichen… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Paradóx — (grch.), von der allgemeinen Meinung abweichend, sonderbar, auffallend; Paradóxon, seltsame Behauptung oder Meinung; Paradoxīe, Sonderbarkeit in Meinungen … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon