
absolute, deadly, perfect, pinpoint

The captain struck again with deadly precision.

The rebels launched missiles with pinpoint precision.

extreme, great, high, utmost

We can now choose our targets with greater precision.

high precision measurement tools

The movements are executed with the utmost precision.

analytical, mathematical, military, scientific, surgical, technical

He organized the team with military precision.


Chimps are able to manipulate objects with a high degree of precision.

call for, demand, require

surgery which requires great precision

improve, increase

His rambling writing style just lacks precision.

instrument, tool

the finest timepieces and precision instruments


precision measurements of these atoms

bombing, strike

They back their forces with precision air strikes.


high-tech precision weapons

with precision

These items cannot be dated with any precision.

precision in

a new era of precision in engineering

a lack of precision

Any lack of precision in the contract could give rise to a dispute.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • précision — [ presizjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1520; « action de rogner » v. 1380; lat. præcisio→ 1. précis I ♦ La précision. 1 ♦ Caractère de ce qui est précis (1o). ⇒ clarté, rigueur. La précision de certains récits. « Concision dans le style, précision dans la pensée …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Precision — has the following meanings:;Concepts * Accuracy and precision, the degree of mutual agreement among a series of individual measurements or values * Precision (arithmetic), the number of digits with which a value is expressed * Precision… …   Wikipedia

  • precision — precision, preciseness both denote the quality or character of what is precise. Precision denotes a quality that is sought for or is attained usually as a highly desirable thing. When used in reference to language it implies expression with such… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Precision — Précision Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Precision — Pre*ci sion, n. [Cf. F. pr[ e]cision, L. praecisio a cutting off. See {Precise}.] The quality or state of being precise; exact limitation; exactness; accuracy; strict conformity to a rule or a standard; definiteness. [1913 Webster] I have left… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Precisión — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda En ingeniería, ciencia, industria y estadística, se denomina precisión a la capacidad de un instrumento de dar el mismo resultado en mediciones diferentes realizadas en las mismas condiciones. Esta cualidad debe… …   Wikipedia Español

  • precision — Ⅰ. precision UK US /prɪˈsɪʒən/ noun [U] ► the quality of being exact: »The pressure on advertisers to deliver results has led to them targeting consumers with unprecedented precision. Ⅱ. precision UK US /prɪˈsɪʒən/ adjective [before noun] ►… …   Financial and business terms

  • precision — Precision. s. f. Distinction exacte, subtile, abstraction, separation. Precision exacte, subtile, metaphysique. faire precision d une chose d avec une autre. il faut quelquefois user de precision pour bien connoistre la nature des choses. il n… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • precisión — (Del lat. praecisĭo, ōnis). 1. f. Obligación o necesidad indispensable que fuerza y precisa a ejecutar algo. 2. Determinación, exactitud, puntualidad, concisión. 3. Concisión y exactitud rigurosa en el lenguaje, estilo, etc. 4. Fil. Abstracción o …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Precision — steht für: William Beardmore and Company, ein ehemaliger Motorenhersteller Recall und Precision, ist ein Maß zur Beschreibung der Güte eines Suchergebnisses in der Informatik und in der Dokumentationswissenschaft Diese Seite ist eine …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • precision — (n.) 1630s, from Fr. précision (16c.), from L. praecisionem (nom. praecisio) a cutting off, from praecisus (see PRECISE (Cf. precise)) …   Etymology dictionary

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