
clear, definite, marked, strong
individual, personal

It's a matter of personal preference.

consumer, customer, user, voter
policy, political

His policy preferences are pretty centrist.

dietary, food

modern children's food preferences

gender, racial (both AmE)

his consistent opposition to racial preferences while a legislator


discrimination based on race, religion, gender or sexual preference

aesthetic, cultural
first, second, etc.

My first preference is for the applicant from Hong Kong.

Most local voters gave West second preference. (BrE)


Do you have any particular preference?

demonstrate, display, exhibit, indicate, reflect, reveal, show

designs that reflect their individual preferences

Learners show a preference for one learning style over others.

express, state

Older people tend to express a preference for dark chocolate.

give sb

Preference is given to students who have passed mathematics and chemistry.


Some countries receive preference over others.

affect, determine, influence, shape

A combination of factors determined preference.

fit, fit with, satisfy, suit

She was happy to arrange her schedule to suit their preferences.

for preference

I travel by plane, for preference.

in preference to

They bought French planes in preference to British ones.

preference as to, preference with regard to

He has not expressed a preference as to which school he wants to go to.

preference between

people's preferences between brown and white bread

preference for sth (over sth)

the government's preference for tax cuts over greater public spending

preference in

changing preferences in furniture styles

preference regarding

their preferences regarding websites

preference towards/toward

student preferences towards/toward the various activities

in order of preference

List the candidates in order of preference.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • préférence — [ preferɑ̃s ] n. f. • preferance v. 1458; de préférer 1 ♦ Jugement ou sentiment par lequel on place une personne, une chose au dessus des autres; jugement plus favorable. Les préférences de chacun. « Sur quelque préférence une estime se fonde »… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • preference — pref·er·ence / pre frəns, fə rəns/ n 1: the right to prior payment of a debt with preference over the creditors of the heirs or legatees Louisiana Civil Code 2: the transfer of an insolvent debtor s interest in property to a creditor for an… …   Law dictionary

  • Preference — (also called taste or penchant ) is a concept, used in the social sciences, particularly economics. It assumes a real or imagined choice between alternatives and the possibility of rank ordering of these alternatives, based on happiness,… …   Wikipedia

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  • Preference — Préférence Voir « préférence » sur le Wiktionnaire …   Wikipédia en Français

  • preference — Preference. s. f. Choix que l on fait d une personne, d une chose plustost que d une autre. Preference certaine, incontestable. juste preference. demander, avoir, obtenir la preference. disputer, emporter la preference. donner la preference.… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Preference — Pref er*ence, n. [Cf. F. pr[ e]f[ e]rence.] 1. The act of Preferring, or the state of being preferred; the setting of one thing before another; precedence; higher estimation; predilection; choice; also, the power or opportunity of choosing; as,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • preference — [n1] first choice alternative, choice, cup of tea*, desire, druthers*, election, favorite, flash*, groove, inclination, option, partiality, pick, predilection, prepossession, propensity, say, say so*, selection, top, weakness; concepts 20,529,709 …   New thesaurus

  • preference — [pref′ər əns] n. [MFr préférence < ML praeferentia < L praeferens, prp. of praeferre, to PREFER] 1. a preferring or being preferred; greater liking 2. the right, power, or opportunity of prior choice or claim 3. something preferred; one s… …   English World dictionary

  • Préférence — (franz., spr. āngß , »Vorzug«), Kartenspiel zwischen drei Personen, das mit der deutschen Karte gespielt wird, und in dem die Mehrheit der Stiche den Gewinn entscheidet. Es hat seinen Namen von dem Vorzug, der darin einer Farbe vor der andern… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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