
1 quality of being beautiful
breathtaking, exquisite, great, majestic, outstanding (esp. BrE), sheer, stunning

an area of breathtaking beauty


the classical beauty of her face

timeless, unspoiled

the timeless beauty of this ancient landscape


There is a stark beauty to the desert terrain.


They were captivated by the ethereal beauty of the music.


Her art challenges conventions of feminine beauty.

aesthetic, physical

The film argues that inner beauty, not physical appearance, is most important.

admire, appreciate, enjoy

They took a walk, enjoying the beauty of the landscape.


Advertising hoardings mar the beauty of the countryside.

capture, convey

The film-maker magnificently captures the beauty of the changing seasons.

be awed by, be captivated by, be enchanted by, be entranced by, be mesmerized by, be transfixed by
amaze sb, overwhelm sb

The beauty of the city amazed her.


Her beauty faded as she got older.

competition (esp. BrE), contest, pageant (AmE)

She was a contestant in the Miss World beauty pageant.

contestant, queen
parlour/parlor, salon

She works in a beauty salon.

makeover (esp. AmE), product, regime (BrE), regimen (AmE), routine, treatment
rest (AmE), sleep
2 beautiful person or thing

She was known as a great beauty in her time.

blonde, dark-haired, etc.

He met a blonde beauty named Cindy.


an exotic beauty with raven hair


She was still a radiant beauty.

absolute, real

My new car's a real beauty!


Isn't she a little beauty?

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  • Beauty — Beau ty (b[=u] t[y^]), n.; pl. {Beauties} (b[=u] t[i^]z). [OE. beaute, beute, OF. beaut[ e], biaut[ e], Pr. beltat, F. beaut[ e], fr. an assumed LL. bellitas, from L. bellus pretty. See {Beau}.] [1913 Webster] 1. An assemblage of graces or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • beauty — (n.) early 14c., physical attractiveness, also goodness, courtesy, from Anglo Fr. beute, O.Fr. biauté beauty, seductiveness, beautiful person (12c., Mod.Fr. beauté), earlier beltet, from V.L. bellitatem (nom. bellitas) state of being handsome,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • beauty — ► NOUN (pl. beauties) 1) a combination of qualities that delights the aesthetic senses. 2) (before another noun ) intended to make someone more attractive: beauty treatment. 3) a beautiful woman. 4) an excellent example. 5) an attractive feature… …   English terms dictionary

  • Beauty — bezeichnet: Beauty (Pferd), ein Pferd, das in zahlreichen Filmen mitwirkte die Flavour Quantenzahl Bottomness in der Elementarteilchenphysik Orte in den Vereinigten Staaten: Beauty (Kentucky) Beauty (West Virginia) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Beauty — (Альтеа,Испания) Категория отеля: Адрес: Principal, 4, 03590 Альтеа, Испания …   Каталог отелей

  • beauty — / bju:ti/, it. / bjuti/ s. ingl. [abbrev. di beauty case ], usato in ital. al masch. [valigetta di uso femminile, in forma di bauletto, in cui vengono riposti cosmetici vari] ▶◀ [➨ beauty case] …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • beauty — [n1] physical attractiveness adorableness, allure, allurement, artistry, attraction, bloom, charm, class, comeliness, delicacy, elegance, exquisiteness, fairness, fascination, glamor, good looks, grace, handsomeness, loveliness, polish,… …   New thesaurus

  • beauty — /ˈbjuti, ingl. ˈbjuːtɪ/ s. m. inv. accorc. di beauty case …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • beauty — [byo͞ot′ē] n. pl. beauties [ME beaute < OFr bealte < VL * bellitas < L bellus, pretty, lovely] 1. the quality attributed to whatever pleases or satisfies the senses or mind, as by line, color, form, texture, proportion, rhythmic motion,… …   English World dictionary

  • Beauty — For beauty as a characteristic of a person s appearance, see Physical attractiveness. For other uses, see Beauty (disambiguation). Rayonnant rose window in Notre Dame de Paris. Light was considered as the most beautiful revelation of God, as was… …   Wikipedia

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