
considerably, dramatically, drastically, greatly, markedly, severely, sharply, significantly, substantially

We need to reduce the speed slightly.

gradually, progressively

Legislation progressively reduced the number of situations in which industrial action could be taken.

quickly, rapidly
aim to, attempt to, seek to, try to
help (to)

Giving up smoking helps reduce the risk of heart disease.

manage to
be designed to, be intended to
be expected to, be likely to

Pollution from the works has been reduced by 70%.


I noticed that my belly had drastically reduced in size.

from, to

The price is reduced from 99 cents to 85 cents.

an attempt to reduce sth, an effort to reduce sth
measures to reduce sth
reduce sth to a minimum

The risks must be reduced to the absolute minimum.

Reduce is used with these nouns as the object: ↑accountability, ↑accumulation, ↑allocation, ↑ambiguity, ↑amount, ↑angle, ↑anxiety, ↑appetite, ↑asset, ↑autonomy, ↑availability, ↑backlog, ↑barrier, ↑benefit, ↑bias, ↑bill, ↑blood pressure, ↑budget, ↑build-up, ↑burden, ↑bureaucracy, ↑capacity, ↑carbohydrate, ↑carbon dioxide, ↑chance, ↑charge, ↑cholesterol, ↑circulation, ↑clutter, ↑competition, ↑complexity, ↑concentration, ↑congestion, ↑consumption, ↑contamination, ↑cost, ↑count, ↑craving, ↑crime, ↑damage, ↑danger, ↑debt, ↑deficit, ↑delay, ↑demand, ↑density, ↑dependence, ↑depression, ↑diameter, ↑discomfort, ↑disparity, ↑distress, ↑disturbance, ↑diversity, ↑dividend, ↑dosage, ↑dose, ↑drinking, ↑duplication, ↑duration, ↑duty, ↑effect, ↑effectiveness, ↑efficiency, ↑emission, ↑erosion, ↑error, ↑excise, ↑expectation, ↑expenditure, ↑expense, ↑export, ↑exposure, ↑extent, ↑fare, ↑fat, ↑fatigue, ↑fee, ↑fever, ↑flexibility, ↑flow, ↑footprint, ↑force, ↑freedom, ↑frequency, ↑friction, ↑funding, ↑gain, ↑gap, ↑glare, ↑heat, ↑height, ↑humidity, ↑imbalance, ↑immigration, ↑impact, ↑import, ↑importance, ↑incentive, ↑incidence, ↑income, ↑inefficiency, ↑inequality, ↑infiltration, ↑inflammation, ↑inflation, ↑influence, ↑injury, ↑intake, ↑intensity, ↑inventory, ↑length, ↑level, ↑liability, ↑likelihood, ↑limit, ↑liquid, ↑load, ↑loss, ↑maintenance, ↑manpower, ↑margin, ↑mobility, ↑mortality, ↑motivation, ↑mountain, ↑nausea, ↑need, ↑noise, ↑number, ↑occurrence, ↑odds, ↑output, ↑overdraft, ↑pain, ↑paperwork, ↑payment, ↑penalty, ↑pension, ↑per cent, ↑pollutant, ↑pollution, ↑possibility, ↑potential, ↑poverty, ↑power, ↑premium, ↑pressure, ↑price, ↑probability, ↑problem, ↑production, ↑productivity, ↑profitability, ↑quality, ↑quota, ↑rate, ↑ratio, ↑ration, ↑recurrence, ↑red tape, ↑reliability, ↑reliance, ↑representation, ↑revenue, ↑risk, ↑sauce, ↑scale, ↑scope, ↑sensitivity, ↑sentence, ↑setting, ↑severity, ↑share, ↑side effect, ↑size, ↑smog, ↑smoking, ↑speed, ↑speed limit, ↑spending, ↑spread, ↑stake, ↑stigma, ↑stock, ↑strain, ↑strength, ↑stress, ↑subsidy, ↑suffering, ↑supply, ↑surveillance, ↑swelling, ↑symptom, ↑tariff, ↑tax, ↑taxation, ↑temperature, ↑tendency, ↑tension, ↑threat, ↑time, ↑traffic, ↑transmission, ↑truancy, ↑turnover, ↑uncertainty, ↑unemployment, ↑usage, ↑use, ↑usefulness, ↑value, ↑velocity, ↑vibration, ↑visibility, ↑voltage, ↑volume, ↑vulnerability, ↑wastage, ↑waste, ↑wear, ↑weight, ↑width, ↑workforce, ↑workload

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • reduce — REDÚCE, redúc, vb. III. tranz. 1. A micşora, a scădea, a diminua (ca proporţii, cantitate, intensitate). ♦ spec. A micşora dimensiunile unei hărţi, ale unei piese etc., păstrând aceleaşi proporţii între elementele componente; a reproduce la… …   Dicționar Român

  • Reduce — Re*duce (r[ e]*d[=u]s ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Reduced} ( d[=u]st ),; p. pr. & vb. n. {Reducing} ( d[=u] s[i^]ng).] [L. reducere, reductum; pref. red . re , re + ducere to lead. See {Duke}, and cf. {Redoubt}, n.] 1. To bring or lead back to any… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • reduce — re‧duce [rɪˈdjuːs ǁ rɪˈduːs] verb [transitive] to make something less or smaller in price, amount, or size: • Jobs have been cut in order to reduce costs. • Prices have been reduced by 20%. reduce something (from something) to something …   Financial and business terms

  • reduce — re·duce /ri düs, dyüs/ vt re·duced, re·duc·ing 1: to make smaller 2 a: to convert (a chose in action) into a chose in possession enforcement action sought to reduce to possession her property interest in the...determination of money damages… …   Law dictionary

  • Reduce — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda REDUCE es un programa de uso general de álgebra computacional (CAS) encaminado hacia usos en física. Comenzó a ser desarrollado desde la década de 1960 por Anthony Hearn, desde enctonces, muchos científicos de todo… …   Wikipedia Español

  • reduce — ► VERB 1) make or become smaller or less in amount, degree, or size. 2) (reduce to) change (something) to (a simpler or more basic form). 3) (reduce to) bring to (an undesirable state or action). 4) boil (a sauce or other liquid) so that it… …   English terms dictionary

  • reduce — [v1] make less; decrease abate, abridge, bankrupt, bant, break, cheapen, chop, clip, contract, curtail, cut, cut back, cut down, debase, deflate, depreciate, depress, diet, dilute, diminish, discount, drain, dwindle, go on a diet*, impair,… …   New thesaurus

  • reduce — [ri do͞os′, ridyo͞os′] vt. reduced, reducing [ME reducen < L reducere, to lead back < re , back + ducere, to lead: see DUCT] 1. a) to lessen in any way, as in size, weight, amount, value, price, etc.; diminish b) to put into a simpler or… …   English World dictionary

  • reduce — (v.) late 14c., bring back, from O.Fr. reducer (14c.), from L. reducere, from re back (see RE (Cf. re )) + ducere bring, lead (see DUKE (Cf. duke) (n.)). Sense of to lower, diminish, lessen is from 1787. Etymological sense preserved in military… …   Etymology dictionary

  • reduce — / rɛdutʃe/ s.m. e f. [dal lat. redux ŭcis, der. di ducĕre guidare , col pref. re  ]. 1. [chi ritorna dalla guerra] ▶◀ ex combattente. 2. (estens.) [chi è appena uscito da un esperienza negativa, con la prep. da : essere r. da una lunga malattia ] …   Enciclopedia Italiana

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