
1 area of land/part of a country
entire, whole
distinct, particular, specific
northern, southern, etc.
border, far-flung, outlying, peripheral, remote

oil exploration in remote regions of the Russian Far East

neighbouring/neighboring, surrounding
geographic (esp. AmE), geographical
arid, coastal, desert, equatorial, mountain, mountainous, polar, subtropical, tropical
Arctic, Gulf, Himalayan, Mediterranean, Pacific, etc.

the autonomous regions of the People's Republic of China

metropolitan, urban

a sparsely populated region

developed, industrial
depressed, poor, underdeveloped

the poorer regions of the continent

prosperous, rich

Italy's richest region

oil-producing, etc.

an attempt to bring peace and stability to a troubled region

inhabit, live in, occupy, populate

Nomads have inhabited this region for thousands of years.


This tropical forest region is characterized by frequent heavy rainfall.

work in
study, survey
explore, visit
divide sth into

The country is divided into 17 autonomous regions.

confine sb/sth to

This bird is largely confined to the southern regions of the country.

cover sb/sth

The champagne-producing region covers 34 500 hectares.

across a/the region

Sports events across the region have been affected by the weather.

from a/the region

Twenty participants from the Asia-Pacific region will be invited to the seminar.

in a/the region, within a/the region

The animal is found in the northern regions of Sweden.

in the region of (figurative)

She earns in the region of (= approximately) £200 000.

throughout a/the region

The plant is found throughout the western regions of the country.

sth varies from region to region

Sanitary facilities varied widely from region to region.

2 part of the body
distinct, particular, specific
abdominal, brain, lumbar, etc.
from a/the region

tissue from the mouth region

in a/the region, within a/the region

cells in a particular region of the brain

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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