
considerable, important, major, serious, severe, significant

A fall in oil production would have severe repercussions for the global economy.

wide, widespread

The international repercussions are still being felt today.

economic, financial, legal, political, social
possible, potential

These actions have potential repercussions.

feel, suffer

Anne felt the repercussions of the earlier incident.

be felt

The repercussions of the change in policy will be felt throughout the world.

repercussion for

Changes in the industry had major repercussions for the local community.

repercussion on

The pay cuts are likely to have serious repercussions on productivity.

for fear of repercussions, without fear of repercussions

a resident who did not want to be named for fear of repercussions

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • répercussion — [ repɛrkysjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1348; du lat. repercussus 1 ♦ Le fait d être renvoyé, répercuté. ⇒ réflexion, renvoi. Répercussion d un son par l écho. Répercussion d un choc. ⇒ contrecoup. ♢ Fin. publ. Répercussion de l impôt, quand le contribuable… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • repercussion — Repercussion. s. f. Terme dogmatique. Il ne se dit guere qu en parlant des humeurs, des esprits, & signifie l action par laquelle les humeurs, les esprits estant en mouvement pour sortir, viennent à estre repoussez au dedans. La repercussion des… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Repercussion — Re per*cus sion ( k?sh ?n), n. [L. repercussio: cf. F. r[ e]percussion.] 1. The act of driving back, or the state of being driven back; reflection; reverberation; as, the repercussion of sound. [1913 Webster] Ever echoing back in endless… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • repercussion — UK US /ˌriːpəˈkʌʃən/ noun [C or U] ► the effect that an action, event, or decision has on something, especially a bad effect: have repercussions for sb/sth »This case is likely to have repercussions for employees. »The nation s political crisis… …   Financial and business terms

  • repercussion — c.1400 (implied in repercussive) act of driving back, from M.Fr. répercussion (14c.), from L. repercusionem (nom. repercussio), from repercussus, pp. of repercutere to strike or beat back, from re back + percutere to strike or thrust through (see …   Etymology dictionary

  • Repercussion — (v. lat.), Wiederschlag, Zurückstoß, Zurückprellen, z.B. des Schalls, der Lichtstrahlen etc. Repercutientia, zurücktreibende Mittel …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Repercussion — Repercussion, lat. deutsch, Rückstoß; Rückprallen …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • repercussion — I noun backfire, backlash, blast, counteraction, echo, explosion, force, impact, reaction, rebound, reciprocal action, recoil, reflection, reflex, report, response, retroaction, reverberation, ricochet, shock II index conclusion (outcome), effect …   Law dictionary

  • repercussion — [n] consequence backlash, chain reaction, echo, effect, fallout, feedback, flak*, follow through*, follow up, impact, imprint, influence, kickback*, mark, reaction, rebound, recoil, re echo, result, reverberation, side effect, spinoff*, waves*;… …   New thesaurus

  • repercussion — [rē΄pər kush′ən, rep΄ərkush′ən] n. [L repercussio < pp. of repercutere, to rebound, strike back: see RE & PERCUSSION] 1. Archaic a driving back or being driven back by something resistant; rebound; recoil 2. reflection, as of light or sound;… …   English World dictionary

  • répercussion — (ré pèr ku sion ; en vers, de cinq syllabes) s. f. 1°   Terme didactique. Renvoi, réflexion. •   Un corps combustible allumé à la distance de 20 ou 24 pieds par la répercussion et la concentration de la chaleur d un charbon situé entre deux… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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