
1 in a play, film/movie, etc.
lead, leading, starring, title

He has the starring role in the movie.

She sings the title role in Tosca.


Lee began to get big roles in movies.

meaty, substantial

the chance to sink her teeth into the meaty role of femme fatale Margaret


This is the plum role in the play.

comic, tragic
female, male

a starring female role


one of his stereotypical action hero roles


Ethan Hawke does a solid job in a thankless role.

film (esp. BrE), movie (esp. AmE), television, TV
assume, perform, play, take

In the series, Smith assumes the role of the go-between.

John's playing the leading role in this year's play.


Walken carefully underplays the role.


The supporting roles are filled by British actors.


Most of the original cast are reprising their roles.


Sbaraglia handles this difficult role well.

get, land, win

It took her three years to land her first film role.

cast sb in

She interprets the role as more tragic than I expected.

dance, sing

Dean Ely sings the title role.

in the role (of)

He was very good in the role.

2 position and importance
big, huge, large, substantial

Small businesses have a substantial role to play in keeping the economy buoyant.

important, influential, instrumental, integral, powerful, prominent, significant, special

an area where national rivalries play a powerful role

central, dominant, key, lead, leading, main, major, pivotal, primary

Migrant workers played a central role in the state's prosperity.

critical, crucial, decisive, essential, fundamental, vital

Economic factors played a decisive role in the outcome of the war.

expanded, greater, increased

the expanded role of the federal government

diminished, limited, small

the limited role of women in the church

minor, secondary, subordinate, subservient
backup, supporting

He may have to settle for a backup role.

constructive, full (esp. BrE), meaningful, positive, useful, valuable
active, proactive
clear, defined, distinct, exact, particular, specific, unique

Every member of staff must have a clear role.

the specific role of calcium in preventing disease

different, dual, multiple, various

She has a dual role as principal and French teacher.

Many staff perform multiple roles.


her conflicting roles as mother and manager of a large company

advisory, consultative, managerial, regulatory, supervisory
maternal, parental, parenting, paternal

Their brother plays a protective role.

caregiving (AmE)

The caregiving role is still overwhelmingly a female one.

economic, educational, military, peacekeeping, political, social, strategic

the economic role of small towns

Adult education often serves an important social role.

possible, potential

Supervising elections is a possible role for the UN.


essays that question gender roles in a patriarchal culture

female, male

the views prevalent in society about female roles

have, occupy, perform, play, serve

Regional managers occupy a crucial role in developing a strategic framework.

provide sb/sth with
adopt, assume, take, take on

I've had to take on the role of mother in her absence.


I accepted the executive editor role at the magazine.

They have to be willing to accept their roles as caregivers and not managers.

embrace, relish

She embraced her role as ruler of the country.


The fighting has prevented the UN troops from fulfilling their role as peacekeepers.


He filled several governmental roles.


We are waiting to see if he can handle an expanded role.

carve out, establish

He is trying to carve out a new role for himself.

assign sb, cast sb in, give sb

He has been cast in the role of chief apologist for the government.


Traditional gender roles are reversed in their household.


We need to find a useful role for the volunteers in the campaign.

clarify, define, elucidate, redefine

a clearly defined role within the group

analyse/analyze, assess, evaluate, examine, explore, investigate

The paper examines the role of various institutions.

emphasize, highlight, stress

The authors emphasized the role of the slave trade in the economic development of the New World.


We need to better understand the role of cold regions in the global climate system.

acknowledge, appreciate, recognize

Politicians acknowledge the key roles that young people play in the country.

determine, identify

We will meet with them to determine individual roles.


He addressed the role of tradition in design.


Thomas downplays the role of these letters as historical evidence.


They decided to expand the role that new technologies play at the hospital.

increase, strengthen

He is looking for ways to strengthen his role in the business.


I feel I can fit any role this team needs me to.

swap (esp. BrE), switch
expectation (esp. AmE)

methods for exploring gender role expectations

conflict (esp. AmE)

This role conflict can quickly escalate.

in a/the role

She has joined the team in a consultative role.

role as

the teacher's role as instructor

role at

He assumed a conspicuous role at the new arts agency.

role for

The new prime minister promised a greater role for women in government.

role in, role within

Pressure groups played a major role in bringing about the reforms.

the opportunity to assume a leadership role within your organization

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • rôle — [ rol ] n. m. • fin XIIe; lat. médiév. rotulus « parchemin roulé », de rota « roue » → enrôler 1 ♦ Dr., admin. Feuille (recto et verso) d un acte notarié, d une expédition de jugement, d un cahier des charges. (1454) Registre où sont portées, par …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • role — (n.) part or character one takes, c.1600, from Fr. rôle part played by a person in life, lit. roll (of paper) on which an actor s part is written, from O.Fr. rolle (see ROLL (Cf. roll) (n.)). Role model first attested 1957 …   Etymology dictionary

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