
1 unhappy
appear, be, feel, look, seem, sound
become, get, grow, turn
make sb

This music always makes me sad.

extremely, fairly, very, etc.
all, desperately, immensely, particularly, profoundly, unbearably

I called Dad, sounding all sad and pathetic.

a little, slightly, etc.

She was still feeling very sad about her father's death.

2 causing unhappiness
be, seem
find sth
extremely, fairly, very, etc.

an extremely sad story

deeply, incredibly, intensely, particularly, profoundly, terribly, unutterably

a deeply sad occasion

a little, slightly, etc.
Sad is used with these nouns: ↑affair, ↑chapter, ↑comment, ↑day, ↑demise, ↑disappointment, ↑end, ↑ending, ↑episode, ↑event, ↑excuse, ↑expression, ↑eye, ↑face, ↑fact, ↑farewell, ↑fate, ↑indictment, ↑irony, ↑life, ↑look, ↑loser, ↑loss, ↑melody, ↑memory, ↑mood, ↑news, ↑note, ↑occasion, ↑part, ↑plight, ↑reality, ↑reflection, ↑reminder, ↑saga, ↑sight, ↑smile, ↑song, ↑spectacle, ↑story, ↑tale, ↑testament, ↑thing, ↑thought, ↑time, ↑truth, ↑tune, ↑voice

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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