
1 act of selling sth; occasion when things are sold

The price is low to ensure a quick sale.


the illegal sale of alcohol

bond, share, stock
auction, bake (AmE), bring-and-buy (BrE), car boot (BrE), estate (AmE), garage, jumble (BrE), rummage (esp. AmE), tabletop (BrE), tag (AmE), yard (AmE)
ban, block, halt, prevent, prohibit, restrict, stop
close, complete, make

If we don't close this sale, we're out of business.

make sth, realize sth

The bake sale made $358 for cancer research.

go ahead, go through, proceed
fall through

The sale of the house fell through when the buyer pulled out.

for sale

I see their house is for sale.

on sale

The new stamps are now on sale at post offices.

conditions of sale

The conditions of sale were posted up around the auction room.

a contract of sale
point of sale

promotional posters shown at the point of sale

the proceeds from a sale, the profits from a sale

All proceeds from the sale of the book will go to charity.

(on) sale or return (BrE)

The novels are delivered to outlets on a sale or return basis.

up for sale

The land has come up for sale again.

2 sales activity of selling things; amount sold
good, healthy, high, huge, massive, record, strong
disappointing, poor
annual, quarterly
first-quarter, second-quarter, etc.
high-street (BrE), over-the-counter, retail

High-street sales have fallen for the fifth consecutive month.

direct, telephone

Direct sales, by mail order, were up by 15%.

Internet, online
export, foreign, international, overseas
global, overall, total, world, worldwide
gross, net
unit, volume
CD, DVD, PC, ticket, etc.
home, house, land, property, real estate (AmE)
auto (AmE), car, vehicle
level, value, volume

The high volume of sales makes the low pricing policy profitable.

achieve, have
generate, rack up (esp. AmE)

The advertising campaign generated massive sales.

boost, drive, drive up, expand, increase, push, push up, spur

Low interest rates pushed sales to a record in 2006.


Lower consumer confidence could hurt PC sales.

double, triple, etc.
expect, project

The company reported strong sales for May.

account for sth

North American sales account for 40% of the worldwide market.

amount to sth, reach sth, total sth

sales amounting to over £4 million

Sales failed to reach 10 000 units.

exceed sth
be up, climb, go up, grow, improve, increase, jump, rise, rocket, skyrocket, soar, surge

Sales of ice cream are up because of the hot weather.

be down, decline, drop, fall, fall off, go down, slump
force, people, personnel, staff, team
agent, department, office
director, manager, rep (informal), representative
assistant, clerk (AmE)
campaign, drive, effort, promotion
strategy, tactics, technique
patter (BrE), pitch, talk

an aggressive sales pitch from the company rep

estimates, projections
data, figures, levels, performance, revenue, targets, volume

The factory was forced to shed jobs following a dramatic sales slump.

tax (esp. AmE)

It sells for $50 plus sales tax and shipping.

receipt, slip (both AmE)
sales of

Sales of VCRs have plummeted.

in sales

I work in sales (= in the sales department).

a decline in sales, a drop in sales, a fall in sales, a slowdown in sales, a slump in sales
an increase in sales, a jump in sales, a rise in sales, a surge in sales, an upturn in sales
growth in sales
sales and marketing
3 period of reduced prices
after-Christmas (AmE), annual, January (BrE), summer, winter
clothing, furniture, etc.
clearance, closing-down (BrE), fire, going-out-of-business (AmE)
begin, end
rack (AmE)
in a/the sale

I got these shoes in the Bloomingdales sale.

at the sales, in the sales (both BrE)

I bought it at the winter sales.

on sale (AmE)

All video equipment is on sale today and tomorrow.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • sale — W1S2 [seıl] n [Date: 1000 1100; : Old Norse; Origin: sala] 1.) [U and C] when you sell something sale of ▪ The use and sale of marijuana remains illegal. ▪ Harvey gets a $50 commission every time he makes a sale (=sells something as part of his… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • sale — [ seıl ] noun *** 1. ) count or uncount the process of selling goods or services for money: sale of: a prohibition on the sale of arms a ) count a single instance of selling goods or services: make/lose a sale: I m willing to lower the price in… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • salé — salé, ée (sa lé, lée) part. passé de saler. 1°   Assaisonné avec du sel. Manger salé. •   Depuis que vous êtes hors d ici, je n ai point trouvé de viande qui ne fût trop salée, ni d homme qui ne le fût trop peu, VOIT. Lett. 145.    Familièrement …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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  • sale — SALE. adj. de tout genre. Qui est mal propre, qui n est pas net, qui est plein d ordure. Il se dit des personnes & des choses. Il est tousjours crasseux & sale. avoir les mains sales. linge sale. chemise sale. une chambre sale. les ruës sont… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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