
American, US
Democratic, Republican
conservative, liberal
junior, senior

a Republican state senator


the former US Senator, James Hurley


He was pilloried by his fellow Senators.

key, leading

We'll talk to two key senators on the Intelligence Committee.

elect, elect sb (as)

In 1988 he became a US Senator.

senators and congressmen, senators and representatives (both AmE)

Write your senators and congressmen urging them to protect the US constitution.

I sent off a few letters to my senators and representatives.

senators on both sides of the aisle (= Democrats and Republicans) (AmE)

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • senator — SENATÓR, senatori, s.m. Membru al unui senat (1, 2). – Din fr. sénateur, lat. senator. Trimis de LauraGellner, 22.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  SENATÓR s. (pol.) (înv.) singlitic. Trimis de siveco, 05.08.2004. Sursa: Sinonime  senatór s …   Dicționar Român

  • Senator — (Катовице,Польша) Категория отеля: Адрес: 1 Go Maja 3, 40 224 Катовице, Польша …   Каталог отелей

  • senator — sen·a·tor / se nə tər/ n: a member of a senate sen·a·to·ri·al /ˌse nə tōr ē əl/ adj Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. se …   Law dictionary

  • Senator — Sen a*tor, n. [OE. senatour, OF. senatour, F. s[ e]nateur, fr. L. senator.] 1. A member of a senate. [1913 Webster] The duke and senators of Venice greet you. Shak. [1913 Webster] Note: In the United States, each State sends two senators for a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sènātor — (senȃtor) m (sènātorica ž) član senata …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • senator — c.1200, from O.Fr. senateur, from L. senator, from senex “old, old man” (see SENATE (Cf. senate)). An O.E. word for it was folcwita …   Etymology dictionary

  • senator — sènātor (senȃtor) m DEFINICIJA član senata ETIMOLOGIJA vidi senat …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • senator — [sen′ət ər] n. [ME senatour < OFr senateur < L senator] a member of a senate …   English World dictionary

  • Senator — (v. lat.), 1) Mitglied des römischen Senats (s.d. 1); 2) im 13. u. 14. Jahrh. der Dirigent der Verwaltung in Rom, s.d. S. 294; 3) (Polnischer S.), in Polen hohe Staatsbeamte, s.u. Polen S. 246; 4) in manchen anderen Ländern, wie in Frankreich u.… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Senātor — Senātor, Hermann, Mediziner, geb. 6. Dez. 1834 in Gnesen, studierte in Berlin, habilitierte sich daselbst 1868, wurde 1875 außerordentlicher Professor und Chefarzt der innern Abteilung des Augustahospitals, 1881 dirigierender Arzt an der Charité …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Senator — (lat.), Mitglied eines Senats (s. d.), einer städtischen Verwaltung (s. Stadt) …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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