
gently, slowly

Allow the soup to simmer gently for ten minutes.

quietly (figurative)

She was still quietly simmering from her argument with Nathan.

allow sth to, leave sth to, let sth

Turn the heat down and let it simmer for thirty minutes.


a mixture of vegetables simmered in yogurt

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Simmer — steht für: den luxemburgischen Namen der Gemeinde Septfontaines (Luxemburg) den deutschen Namen der Siedlung Zimoř, die zur tschechischen Gemeinde Liebeschitz (Liběšice u Litoměřic) gehört ein altes Hohlmaß, siehe Simri (Maßeinheit) Simmer ist… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • simmer — 1650s, alteration of simperen to simmer (late 15c.), possibly of imitative origin. Figurative sense, of feelings, to be agitated is from 1764. Opposite sense, in simmer down, first recorded 1871. I must and will keep shady and quiet till Bret… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Simmer — Sim mer, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Simmered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Simmering}.] [Prov. E. also simper; an onomatopoetic word.] To boil gently, or with a gentle hissing; to begin to boil. [1913 Webster] I simmer as liquor doth on the fire before it… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • simmer — ► VERB 1) stay or cause to stay just below boiling point while bubbling gently. 2) be in a state of suppressed anger or excitement. 3) (simmer down) become calmer and quieter. ► NOUN ▪ a state or temperature just below boiling point. ORIGIN from… …   English terms dictionary

  • simmer — [sim′ər] vi. [earlier simper < LME simperen: orig. echoic] 1. to remain at or just below the boiling point, usually forming tiny bubbles with a low, murmuring sound 2. to be about to break out, as in anger, revolt, etc. vt. 1. to keep (a… …   English World dictionary

  • Simmer — Sim mer, v. t. To cause to boil gently; to cook in liquid heated almost or just to the boiling point. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Simmer — (Simri, Simra, Sömmer, Sümmer), Getreidemaß im südlichen u. westlichen Deutschland, in Frankfurt = 1446 Par. Cubikzoll = 28,67 Litres; in Hanau = 1540 Par. Cubikzoll = 30,56 Litres; in Hessen Darmstadt = 1613,25 Par. Cubikzoll = 32 Litres; in… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Simmer — (Simmera, Sömmer, Sümmer), früher rheinisches Getreidemaß: in Frankfurt 4 Sechter = 28,682 Lit., in Hessen 4 Kumpf = 32 und vor 1821 = 28,08 Lit., in der Rheinpfalz 1/2 Viernsel = 12,5 Lit …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Simmer — (Simri, Simra, Sümmer), früher Getreidemaß in Frankfurt a. M. = 28,68, Hessen Darmstadt = 32, Rheinbayern = 12,5, Württemberg = 22,2 l …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Simmer — Simmer, Simri, Fruchtmaß in Oberdeutschland; das württemberg. = 11164/5, das rheinbayer. = 6301/6, das darmstädt. = 16131/4, das koburg. für Korn = 4424, für Haber = 5530, das frankfurt. = 1446, das hanauische = 1540 Par. Kubikzoll …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Simmer — Smn Hohlmaß für feste Stoffe per. Wortschatz arch. (11. Jh., Bedeutung 15. Jh.), fnhd. sümmer, summer Stammwort. Das vorausgehende mhd. sumber, ahd. sumb(a)rī, sumbarīn, sumbar bedeutet Korb . Weitere Herkunft unklar. deutsch d …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

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