
heavy, thick
fine, light

The plants were covered in fine snow.

compacted, crisp, frozen, hard, icy, packed

The crisp snow crunched as we walked through it.

The frozen snow was treacherous to walk on.

powder, powdery, slushy, soft
drifting, driving, falling, swirling

They struggled on through the driving snow.

melted, melting
fresh, freshly fallen, new, newly fallen

the first snow of winter

spring, winter
artificial, fake

They had to use artificial snow at the Winter Olympics.

fall (esp. BrE), flurry

There was a light dusting of snow on the ground.

blanket, carpet, layer

There were great big piles of snow on the road outside.

foot, inch

The porch is currently covered in three feet of snow.

Three inches of snow had fallen.


He grabbed a handful of snow and threw it at Kate.

be covered in

The car was completely covered in snow.

blow (AmE), clear (esp. BrE), plough/plow (esp. AmE), shovel (esp. AmE), sweep

She cleared the snow from the path.


The sun came out and melted all the snow.


We're expecting snow over the next few days.

get, have

Southern Europe rarely gets snow.

struggle through, trudge through, walk through

I trudged through the snow and ice to the edge of town.

cover sth, lie, pile, pile up, settle

Snow covered everything from horizon to horizon.

Snow had piled up against the walls of the house.

It was too warm for the snow to settle.

come down, drift, drive, fall, swirl

The heaviest snow is coming down in Maine.

melt, thaw
flurry, shower, storm (usually snowstorm)

The snow conditions were excellent.

fall (usually snowfall)

a heavy snowfall

a light snowfall

an area of low snowfall


The glacier provides skiers with year-round snow cover.

line (usually snowline)

animals that live above the snowline

bank, drift (usually snowdrift)

He got his car stuck in a snowdrift.

field (usually snowfield)
slide (usually snowslide) (AmE) (avalanche in BrE)
day (AmE)

Growing up in New York, I had my share of snow days.

blower (usually snowblower), plough/plow (usually snowplough/snowplow), shovel
cannon (BrE), gun
chains, tyre/tire
shoe (usually snowshoe)

She bought a plastic snow globe with the Eiffel Tower inside.

across the snow

We walked across the snow to the road.

in snow, into snow

The children are playing in the snow.

through snow

We struggled through the deep snow back to the chalet.

under snow

The steps were buried under the snow.

hard, heavily

It had been snowing heavily all night.


It looked to be snowing outside.


We woke up to find that it had snowed overnight.

begin to, start to
start snowing, stop snowing

It started snowing just as we were setting out.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Snow — (en inglés nieve), puede referirse a: John Snow (1813–1858), médico inglés; John W. Snow (n. 1939), 73º secretario del Tesoro de los Estados Unidos; La Isla Snow en la Antártida; El sobrenombre de Darrin O Brien (n. 1969), músico de reggae… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • snow — [snō] n. [ME < OE snaw, akin to Ger schnee < IE base * sneigwh , to snow, * snoigwhos, snow > OIr snechta, Russ snieg, L nix (gen. nivis)] 1. particles of water vapor which when frozen in the upper air fall to earth as soft, white,… …   English World dictionary

  • snow´i|ly — snow|y «SNOH ee», adjective, snow|i|er, snow|i|est. 1. having snow: »a snowy day. 2. covered with snow: »a snowy roof …   Useful english dictionary

  • snow|y — «SNOH ee», adjective, snow|i|er, snow|i|est. 1. having snow: »a snowy day. 2. covered with snow: »a snowy roof …   Useful english dictionary

  • SNOW — 1.0 and 2.0 are two word based synchronous stream ciphers developed by Thomas Johansson and Patrik Ekdahl at Lund University. SNOW 1.0, originally simply SNOW, was submitted to the NESSIE project. The cipher has no known intellectual property or… …   Wikipedia

  • Snow — Snow, v. t. To scatter like snow; to cover with, or as with, snow. Donne. Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • snow — ► NOUN 1) atmospheric water vapour frozen into ice crystals and falling in light white flakes or lying on the ground as a white layer. 2) (snows) falls of snow. 3) a mass of flickering white spots on a television or radar screen, caused by… …   English terms dictionary

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