
be, feel, seem, sound
make sb

I'll make you sorry you were ever born!

extremely, fairly, very, etc.

Beth was feeling fairly sorry for them.

awfully, deeply, desperately, dreadfully, genuinely, sincerely, terribly, truly

I'm awfully sorry Jane can't come with us.

I'm terribly sorry. I didn't catch your name.

He was sincerely sorry for the distress he had caused.


She was almost sorry to stop work.

a little, slightly, etc.

Mitch felt slightly sorry for himself.


I'm sorry about the noise.

I'm sorry about your mother. I hope she'll soon be better.


She is obviously deeply sorry for what she has done.

I feel really sorry for John.

be sorry to disappoint sb

I am sorry to disappoint you.

be sorry to hear about sth/that … 

We were incredibly sorry to hear about his death.

be sorry to interrupt (sb/sth)
better safe than sorry
Sorry is used with these nouns: ↑affair, ↑business, ↑excuse, ↑plight, ↑record, ↑saga, ↑sight, ↑spectacle, ↑state, ↑story, ↑tale

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Sorry — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Sorry» Sencillo de Madonna del álbum Confessions on a Dance Floor Lado B « Let It Will Be » Publicación …   Wikipedia Español

  • Sorry — can mean: * Sorrow (see Contrition), an expression of contrition * Sorrow (see Suffering), an expression of sympathy for another s suffering * Sorry! (game), a board game * Sorry (video game), the board game remade electronically * Sorry! (TV… …   Wikipedia

  • Sorry — Sor ry, a. [Compar. {Sorrier}; superl. {Sorriest}.] [OE. sory, sary, AS. s[=a]rig, fr. s[=a]r, n., sore. See {Sore}, n. & a. The original sense was, painful; hence, miserable, sad.] 1. Grieved for the loss of some good; pained for some evil;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sorry — «Sorry» Сингл Мадонны с альбома Confessions on a Dance Floor Выпущен 20 февраля Европа Формат В цифровом виде, доступном для загрузки Макси сингл на CD CD сингл DVD сингл Длительность 4:43 Жанр Поп/Танцевальная музыка …   Википедия

  • sorry — Day, first held on the 26th of May 1998, is a public expression of regret for the treatment of the stolen generations, those Aboriginal children who were forcibly removed from their parents by white authorities. In Aboriginal English, however,… …   Australian idioms

  • Sorry — bezeichnet: einen Roman von Gail Jones, siehe Sorry (Roman) ein Lied von Madonna, siehe Sorry (Lied) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • sorry — O.E. sarig distressed, full of sorrow, from W.Gmc. *sairig , from *sairaz pain (physical and mental); related to sar (see SORE (Cf. sore)). Meaning wretched, worthless, poor first recorded mid 13c. Spelling shift from a to o by influence of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • sorry — [adj1] remorseful, regretful apologetic, attritional, compunctious, conscience stricken, contrite, guilt ridden, melted, penitent, penitential, repentant, self accusing, self condemnatory, self reproachful, shamefaced, softened, touched; concepts …   New thesaurus

  • sorry — [sär′ē, sôr′ē] adj. sorrier, sorriest [ME sorie < OE sarig < sar,SORE] 1. full of sorrow, pity, or sympathy: also used as an expression of apology or mild regret 2. a) inferior in worth or quality; poor [a sorry exhibit] b) wretched; …   English World dictionary

  • sorry — ► ADJECTIVE (sorrier, sorriest) 1) feeling distress or pity through sympathy with someone else s misfortune. 2) feeling or expressing regret or penitence. 3) in a poor or pitiful state. 4) unpleasant and regrettable: a sorry business. DERIVATIVES …   English terms dictionary

  • sorry — index contrite, deplorable, ignoble, lamentable, nonsubstantial (not sturdy), paltry, penitent, poor (inferior in quality) …   Law dictionary

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