- specialist
- {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} nounADJECTIVE▪ leading, top▪
a leading cancer specialist
▪ experienced, qualified, trained▪ independent▪ academic, industry, professional, research, technical▪ clinical, hospital, medical, public-health▪ cancer, ear, ear, nose and throat, eye, fertility, heart, mental-health, skin▪ finance, financial, marketing, property (BrE), tax▪ recruitment (esp. BrE)▪ development, education, foreign-policy, technology▪a rural-development specialist
▪ communications, computer, information-technology (abbreviated to IT), software, systems▪ intelligence, security▪a new generation of computer security specialists
VERB + SPECIALIST▪ bring in, hire▪They brought in an outside specialist to install the computer system.
▪ consult, see▪He went to see a cancer specialist.
PREPOSITION▪ specialist in▪She is a specialist in children's literature.
▪ specialist on▪a specialist on the history of this city
PHRASES▪ a group of specialists, a team of specialists▪ a specialist in the field▪{{Roman}}II.{{/Roman}}The book is written by a noted specialist in the field.
adj.Specialist is used with these nouns: ↑advice, ↑editor, ↑equipment, ↑expertise, ↑field, ↑help, ↑input, ↑journal, ↑knowledge, ↑library, ↑magazine, ↑nature, ↑nurse, ↑outlet, ↑producer, ↑publication, ↑publisher, ↑qualification, ↑reader, ↑retailer, ↑shop, ↑skill, ↑subject, ↑surgeon, ↑teacher, ↑training, ↑treatment
Collocations dictionary. 2013.