
1 police, soldiers, etc.

an elite combat squad

anti-terrorist (esp. BrE), bomb, bomb-disposal (BrE), crime (esp. BrE), drug (BrE), drugs (BrE), flying (BrE), fraud (BrE), infantry (AmE), murder (BrE), police, rescue (AmE), rifle (AmE), riot, vice

The serious crime squad have taken over the investigation. (BrE)

an early-morning raid by a police squad

detective, officer (both BrE)

a murder squad detective

in a/the squad

He's working in the vice squad.

2 sports team
good, strong (esp. BrE)

They've got together a good squad for the World Cup.

first-team (BrE), practice (AmE), training (esp. BrE)
football, rowing, etc.
cheer, cheerleading (both AmE)

She was captain of the cheerleading squad.

national, Olympic
16-strong, 22-strong, etc. (esp. BrE)

They were part of a 36-strong squad.

12-man, 20-man, etc. (esp. BrE)
join, make

Maria failed to make the Olympic squad.

assemble, build (both esp. BrE)
announce, name (both BrE)

England named their squad for the second Test against Australia.

bolster, boost, improve, strengthen (all BrE)
member, player
in a/the squad, on the squad

He spent last season on the practice squad.

3 group with particular task

He was led out at dawn to face a firing squad.

assassination, death, hit, suicide

He sent a hit squad after the chief.

truth (AmE, informal)

He is a one-man truth squad on the subject of intelligence.


They started forming death squads.

leader, member

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • squad — W3 [skwɔd US skwa:d] n [Date: 1600 1700; : French; Origin: escouade, from escadre, from Italian squadra square , from Vulgar Latin exquadra; SQUARE2] 1.) a group of players from which a team will be chosen for a particular sports event ▪ the… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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  • Squad D — is the title of a short story by Stephen King, which he wrote in the late 70s, but which remains unpublished to date. Main Plot Josh Bortman is the only surviving member of Squad D – he was in hospital on the day the other nine members ran afoul… …   Wikipedia

  • Squad — ist das englische Wort für Gruppe, Kader oder Mannschaft. In der United States Army entspricht die Squad einer Untereinheit, die aus 8–12 Soldaten besteht und von einem Sergeant kommandiert wird. Jeweils 2 bis 4 Squads bilden ein Platoon. Das… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • squad — [ skwad ] noun count ** 1. ) a department in a police force that deals with a particular type of crime: the drugs squad 2. ) a small group of soldiers who do a particular job: the bomb squad 3. ) a sports team a ) BRITISH a large group of players …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • squad — [skwäd] n. [Fr escouade < Sp escuadra or It squadra, a square, both < VL * exquadrare, to form into a square: see SQUARE, vt.] 1. a) a small group of soldiers assembled for inspection, duty, etc. b) the smallest military tactical unit,… …   English World dictionary

  • Squad D — ist der Titel einer Kurzgeschichte von Stephen King, die dieser Ende der 70er Jahre schrieb, die aber bis heute unveröffentlicht blieb. Inhalt Josh Bortman ist das einzige Mitglied des Squad D (Trupp D), das noch am Leben ist. Er befand sich im… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • squad|dy — squad|die or squad|dy «SKWOD ee», noun, plural dies. British Informal. a member of a military or police squad …   Useful english dictionary

  • Squad — (skw[o^]d), n. [F. escouade, fr. Sp. escuadra, or It. squadra, (assumed) LL. exquadrare to square; L. ex + quadra a square. See {Square}.] 1. (Mil.) A small party of men assembled for drill, inspection, or other purposes. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Squad — Squad, n. Sloppy mud. [Prov. Eng.] Tennyson. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • squad — index assemblage, band Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

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