- syllabus
- nounADJECTIVE▪ class (esp. AmE), course▪
Professors will want to develop their own course syllabuses.
▪ exam, examination (both esp. BrE)▪ A level, FCE, GCSE, etc.▪ college, school (esp. BrE), university (esp. BrE)▪ geography, history, mathematics, etc.▪ online, sample▪sample syllabuses for undergraduate courses
VERB + SYLLABUS▪ design, develop, write▪ follow, offer, teach, use▪The courses do not follow the syllabus of any particular examination board.
▪Several schools in Britain already teach this syllabus.
▪ follow, study▪Students follow different syllabuses according to their ability.
▪ change, revise (esp. BrE)▪the need to revise the history syllabus
▪ cover, get through▪It was impossible to cover the syllabus in a year.
SYLLABUS + VERB▪ contain sth, cover sth, include sth▪Does the syllabus cover modern literature?
SYLLABUS + NOUN▪ design▪ content (BrE)PREPOSITION▪ from syllabus▪questions from last year's syllabus
▪ in a/the syllabus▪Let's include that in this year's syllabus.
▪ on a/the syllabus▪Is calculus on the syllabus?
▪ syllabus for▪some syllabuses for basic courses in geography
▪ syllabus in▪the course syllabuses in arts subjects
Collocations dictionary. 2013.