
1 image/object/event that is a sign of sth
dramatic, important, perfect, potent, powerful, ultimate

The Berlin wall was the ultimate symbol of the Cold War.


The dove is a universal symbol of peace.

outward, physical, visual

The company car is an outward symbol of the employee's status.

ancient, traditional
cultural, political
religious, sacred
Christian, Hindu, etc.
fertility, phallic, sexual

The people use fertility symbols to ensure a good harvest.

sex (= a person famous for being attractive)

He is not most people's idea of a sex symbol.


A stressful job can actually be a status symbol.


Guevara has come to represent a powerful symbol of defiance.

adopt sth as, consider sth, interpret sth as, regard sth as, see sth as, use sth as

Eggs are seen as the symbol of new life.

symbol of

a symbol of royal power

2 letter/sign that has a particular meaning
abstract, geometric
graphic, written
chemical, Chinese, linguistic, mathematical, musical, phonetic

A list of phonetic symbols is given in the front of the dictionary.

bear, be marked with, have

The coin bears a Jewish symbol.

The bottle had a skull and crossbones symbol on it.

display, show, use

Hotels that show this symbol offer activities for children.

decipher, interpret, understand
denote sth, indicate sth, mean sth, represent sth

What does this little symbol mean?

in symbols

a message written in symbols

symbol for

O is the chemical symbol for oxygen.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • symbol — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż III, D. u; lm D. i {{/stl 8}}{{stl 20}} {{/stl 20}}{{stl 12}}1. {{/stl 12}}{{stl 7}} pojęcie, wyobrażenie, znak, przedmiot kojarzący się z innym pojęciem, wyobrażeniem, znakiem, przedmiotem, pełniący funkcję zastępczą… …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

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