
noun ⇨ See also ↑phone

The office telephones were all out of order.

cellular, cordless, digital, mobile, portable, wireless
radio, satellite

Can I use your telephone?

be on

Don't pester me now—I'm on the telephone.

We're not on the telephone, so you'll have to come around to the house. (BrE)


Excuse me, do you have a telephone?

answer, get (informal), pick up

Hang on—I'll just get the telephone.

hang up, put down

She put down the telephone and burst into tears.

call sb to

He was called to the telephone just as he was leaving.

bug (BrE), tap
connect, install

The telephone was ringing furiously.


All letters should include an address and a daytime telephone number.

book, directory
call, message
conference, conversation, enquiry (BrE), interview, poll, survey

She is in telephone contact with headquarters.

helpline (BrE), hotline, support

The charity has set up a 24-hour telephone hotline.

banking (esp. BrE), service
cord, handset, headset, receiver
cable, line, pole (AmE), wire
exchange, network, switchboard, system
booth, box (BrE), kiosk (BrE)
by telephone

Can I get in touch by telephone?

on the telephone

She sounded very distant on the telephone.

over the telephone

I don't want to talk about this over the telephone.

Telephone is used with these nouns as the object: ↑ambulance

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • téléphone — [ telefɔn ] n. m. • 1834 « appareil acoustique »; répandu v. 1880; de 1. télé et phone 1 ♦ Instrument qui permet de transmettre à distance des sons, par l intermédiaire d un dispositif approprié, suivi d un circuit électrique et d un récepteur.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • telephone — [tel′ə fōn΄] n. [ TELE + PHONE: term adopted by BELL Alexander Graham (1876) after use for other sound instruments ] ☆ 1. a system for transmitting speech or computerized information over distances, usually by converting sounds into electric… …   English World dictionary

  • Telephone — Tel e*phone, n. [Gr. ? far off + ? sound.] (Physics) An instrument for reproducing sounds, especially articulate speech, at a distance. [1913 Webster] Note: The ordinary telephone consists essentially of a device by which currents of electricity …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • telephone — ► NOUN 1) a system for transmitting voices over a distance using wire or radio, by converting acoustic vibrations to electrical signals. 2) an instrument used as part of such a system, typically including a handset with a transmitting microphone… …   English terms dictionary

  • Telephone — Tel e*phone, v. t. To convey or announce by telephone. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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