
1 holding an important position
life, lifetime (esp. AmE), long

the lifetime tenure of federal judges

brief, short
two-year, four-year, etc.

She had a long tenure of office.

begin, end
during sb's tenure

He achieved a lot during his short tenure.

a tenure of office
2 legal right to occupy property/land
housing (esp. BrE), land
freehold, leasehold
security of tenure

The tenants have security of tenure.

3 right to remain permanently in your job
academic, faculty (AmE)
indefinite (esp. AmE)
achieve, get (both esp. AmE)
grant sb

She has been granted tenure at Leeds University.

deny sb (esp. AmE)

He claims he was denied tenure because of his political views.

track (AmE)

He's on a tenure track in the French department of a college in Connecticut.

clock (AmE)

She stopped her tenure clock twice to raise two children.

evaluation, review (both AmE)
decision (AmE)

The college's tenure decision is final.

Tenure is used after these nouns: ↑land

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  • Tenure — commonly refers to life tenure in a job and specifically to a senior academic s contractual right not to have their position terminated without just cause. Academic tenureUnder the tenure systems adopted as internal policy by many universities… …   Wikipedia

  • tenure — [ tənyr ] n. f. • teneüre 1156; de tenir ♦ Féod. Mode de concession d une terre; cette terre elle même. Tenure noble, féodale, concédée par un seigneur à un autre (⇒ fief) . Tenure roturière, servile. ♢ Relation de dépendance (d un fief par… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • tenure — ten‧ure [ˈtenjə, jʊə ǁ jər] noun [uncountable] 1. the period of time when someone has an important job or position: • During his four year tenure as president, the firm s annual revenue rose dramatically. 2. the right to stay permanently in a job …   Financial and business terms

  • tenure — ten·ure / ten yər/ n [Anglo French, feudal holding, from Old French teneüre, from Medieval Latin tenitura, ultimately from Latin tenēre to hold] 1: the act, manner, duration, or right of holding something tenure of office; specif: the manner of… …   Law dictionary

  • tenure — 1. (te nu r ) s. f. 1°   Terme de féodalité. Mode suivant lequel on tenait une terre. •   L imperfection de cette tenure [ne pouvoir disposer du bien tenu en mainmorte] n est pas le seul vice qui affecte l héritage mainmortable, VOLT. Pol. et lég …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Tenure — Ten ure, n. [F. tenure, OF. teneure, fr. F. tenir to hold. See {Tenable}.] 1. The act or right of holding, as property, especially real estate. [1913 Webster] That the tenure of estates might rest on equity, the Indian title to lands was in all… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tenure — early 15c., holding of a tenement, from Anglo Fr. and O.Fr. tenure a tenure, estate in land (13c.), from O.Fr. tenir to hold, from V.L. *tenire, from L. tenere to hold (see TENET (Cf. tenet)). The sense of condition or fact of holding a status,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • tenure — s. f. Garantia de manutenção do posto de trabalho, mesmo em caso de reorganização de uma instituição (ex.: contrato com tenure).   ‣ Etimologia: inglês tenure, posse, título de posse …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • tenure — ► NOUN 1) the conditions under which land or buildings are held or occupied. 2) the holding of an office. ● security of tenure Cf. ↑security of tenure ORIGIN Old French, from Latin tenere to hold …   English terms dictionary

  • tenure — [n] time in position of responsibility administration, clamp, clasp, clench, clinch, clutch, dynasty, grasp, grip, hold, holding, incumbency, occupancy, occupation, ownership, possession, proprietorship, regime, reign, residence, security,… …   New thesaurus

  • tenure — [ten′yər, ten′yoor] n. [ME < MFr < tenir, to hold: see TENANT] 1. the act or right of holding property, an office, a position, etc. 2. the length of time, or the conditions under which, something is held 3. the status of holding one s… …   English World dictionary

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