

an intimacy that continued unbroken until the following spring

almost, largely, virtually

a tradition of government involvement which remained virtually unbroken until the 1990s

Unbroken is used with these nouns: ↑chain, ↑continuity, ↑expanse, ↑horse, ↑line, ↑record, ↑sequence, ↑stretch, ↑succession, ↑tradition

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Unbroken — steht für: eine Metalcore Band aus San Diego, siehe Unbroken (Band) ein Album der Sängerin Demi Lovato, siehe Unbroken (Album) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichnet …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Unbroken — Un*bro ken, a. Not broken; continuous; unsubdued; as, an unbroken colt. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • unbroken — [unbrō′kən] adj. not broken; specif., a) whole; intact b) not tamed or subdued c) continuous; uninterrupted d) not disordered or disorganized e) not plowed or spaded f) not surpassed [an unbroken record] …   English World dictionary

  • Unbroken — est un court métrage américain réalisé par Brad Furman en 2003. Synopsis Le film aborde la violence conjugale. Rachel Bilson y interprète une femme dont le mari est violent. Distribution Rachel Bilson : Rachel Phil Donlon : le mari Lien …   Wikipédia en Français

  • unbroken — index consecutive, continual (connected), continuous, direct (straight), direct (uninterrupted) …   Law dictionary

  • unbroken — c.1300, in reference to vows or compacts, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + BROKEN (Cf. broken). Attested from late 15c. in reference to material things; 1510s in reference to courage, spirit, etc.; 1530s in reference to horses; 1560s in reference to… …   Etymology dictionary

  • unbroken — [v] continuous, whole ceaseless, constant, deep, endless, entire, even, fast, incessant, intact, perfect, perpetual, profound, progressive, regular, solid, sound, successive, total, undisturbed, unimpaired, uninterrupted, unremitting, unruffled,… …   New thesaurus

  • unbroken — ► ADJECTIVE 1) not broken; intact. 2) not interrupted. 3) not surpassed. 4) (of a horse) not broken in …   English terms dictionary

  • Unbroken — Este artículo o sección necesita una revisión de ortografía y gramática. Puedes colaborar editándolo (lee aquí sugerencias para mejorar tu ortografía). Cuando se haya corregido, borra este aviso por favor …   Wikipedia Español

  • unbroken — [[t]ʌ̱nbro͟ʊkən[/t]] ADJ If something is unbroken, it is continuous or complete and has not been interrupted or broken. ...an unbroken run of 38 match wins... We ve had ten days of almost unbroken sunshine... Labour support remained strong and… …   English dictionary

  • unbroken — adjective 1) the last unbroken window Syn: undamaged, unimpaired, unharmed, unscathed, untouched, sound, intact, whole, perfect 2) an unbroken horse Syn: untamed, undomesticated, unt …   Thesaurus of popular words

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