
1 piece of work/business
big, considerable (esp. BrE), large, major
enormous, great, huge, massive, monumental, tremendous (esp. AmE)
ambitious, important, serious
hazardous, risky
complex, difficult
costly, expensive

the first joint undertaking of the two societies


We have to decide if this is a worthwhile commercial undertaking.

2 (esp. BrE, law) formal promise
give (sb), make

He gave an undertaking not to leave the country before the trial.


The factory failed to honour/honor its undertaking to stop dumping waste into the local river.


Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • undertaking — un·der·tak·ing n 1: a promise or pledge esp. required by law 2: something (as cash or a written promise) deposited or given as security esp. in a court ◇ Undertakings are often required of one party during property actions (as for attachment) in… …   Law dictionary

  • undertaking — un‧der‧tak‧ing [ˌʌndəˈteɪkɪŋ ǁ ˈʌndərteɪ ] noun 1. [countable usually singular] an important job, piece of work, or activity that you are responsible for: • Starting a new business can be a risky undertaking. 2. [countable] COMMERCE a business: • …   Financial and business terms

  • Undertaking — Un der*tak ing, n. 1. The act of one who undertakes, or engages in, any project or business. Hakluyt. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is undertaken; any business, work, or project which a person engages in, or attempts to perform; an enterprise.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Undertaking — may refer to: * The task performed by an undertaker. * The obligation resulting from a commitment that has been made. * In business, in particular in EU English , the term is used interchangeably with Enterprise, i.e. a business entity. * In… …   Wikipedia

  • undertaking — enterprise, early 15c., from prp. of UNDERTAKE (Cf. undertake) (v.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • undertaking — [n] endeavor, attempt adventure, affair, business, deal, effort, engagement, enterprise, essay, experiment, game, happening, hassle, hazard, job, move, operation, outfit, play, project, proposition, pursuit, shop, striving, struggle, task, thing* …   New thesaurus

  • undertaking — ► NOUN 1) a formal pledge or promise to do something. 2) a task that is taken on; an enterprise. 3) the management of funerals as a profession …   English terms dictionary

  • undertaking — [un΄dər tā′kiŋ; ] also, & for 3 always, [un′dər tā΄kiŋ] n. 1. something undertaken; task; charge; enterprise 2. a promise; guarantee 3. the business of an UNDERTAKER (sense 2) 4. the act of one who undertakes some task, responsibility, etc …   English World dictionary

  • undertaking — n. promise (esp. BE) 1) to give smb. an undertaking 2) an undertaking to + inf. (an undertaking to complete a project in six months) task, enterprise 3) a joint; large scale undertaking * * * [ˌʌndə teɪkɪŋ] large scale undertaking [ promise ]… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Undertaking — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Undertaking >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 undertaking undertaking Sgm: N 1 compact compact &c. 769 Sgm: N 1 adventure adventure venture Sgm: N 1 engagement engagement &c.(promise) 768 Sgm: N 1 enterp …   English dictionary for students

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