
lead, plastic, rubber
.45-calibre/.45-caliber, etc.
machine-gun, rifle, tracer
sniper, sniper's

She was shot through the head by a sniper's bullet.

magic, silver (figurative)

a technological silver bullet that will solve the global warming crisis

fire, spray sth with

The embassy was sprayed with bullets.

shoot (used of a gun)

faster than a machine gun can shoot bullets

be riddled with

The body was riddled with bullets.


They had put a bullet through his brain.

hit sb/sth, pierce sb/sth, shoot sb, strike sb/sth

The second bullet hit her in the back.

miss sb/sth

The bullet missed his heart by less than an inch.

graze sb/sth
enter sb/sth, penetrate sb/sth
kill sb
be lodged, lodge

Surgeons are trying to remove a bullet lodged near his spine.

go, pass
fly across, around, etc. sb/sth, rip through sb/sth, smash into sb/sth, tear through sb/sth, thud into sb/sth (esp. AmE), whistle past sb/sth, whizz by, past, etc.

A stray bullet whistled past his ear.

bounce, ricochet

The bullets ricocheted off the stones.

come from sth
bullet from

It is a bullet from the same gun that killed the Italian.

bullet in, bullet through

He got a bullet in the back.

bullet to

He was killed by a single bullet to the head.

a hail of bullets, a volley of bullets

They died in a hail of bullets.

take a bullet (for sb) (often figurative)

I would have taken a bullet for Jack.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Bullet (EP) — Bullet Extended Play von The Misfits Veröffentlichung Juni 1978 Label Plan 9 Records Format …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bullet — Bul let, n. [F. boulet, dim. of boule ball. See {Bull} an edict, and cf. {Boulet}.] 1. A small ball. [1913 Webster] 2. A missile, usually of lead, and round or elongated in form, to be discharged from a rifle, musket, pistol, or other small… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bullet — [bool′it] n. [Fr boulette, dim. of boule, a ball < L bulla: see BULL2] 1. a small ball or cone shaped missile of lead, metal alloy, etc., to be shot from a firearm 2. loosely a bullet in its casing; cartridge 3. anything like a bullet in shape …   English World dictionary

  • bullet — (n.) 1550s, from M.Fr. boulette cannonball, small ball, dim. of boule a ball (13c.), from L. bulla round thing, knob (see BULL (Cf. bull) (2)). Earliest version of bite the bullet recorded 1891, probably with a sense of giving someone something… …   Etymology dictionary

  • bullet — ► NOUN 1) a projectile fired from a small firearm. 2) (the bullet) informal dismissal from employment. 3) Printing a solid circle printed before each in a list of items. ORIGIN French boulet small ball , from Latin bulla bubble …   English terms dictionary

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  • bullet — (izg. bȕlit) m DEFINICIJA bank. naziv za kredit ili obveznicu koja se iskupljuje u cijelosti kod dospijeća, bez predviđenih obroka ETIMOLOGIJA engl. ← srfr. boulette: loptica …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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