
(BrE) (AmE clamor) noun
create, make, raise
above the clamour, amid the clamour

She could barely make herself heard above the clamour of the rain.

clamour for

The clamour for her resignation grew louder.

clamour of

Her head was filled with the clamour of voices calling her name.

Clamour/clamor is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑fan

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  • clamour — n. and v. same as {clamor}. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • clamour — (US clamor) ► NOUN 1) a loud and confused noise. 2) a vehement protest or demand. ► VERB ▪ (of a group) make a clamour. DERIVATIVES clamorous adjective. ORIGIN Latin clamor, from …   English terms dictionary

  • clamour — British English spelling of CLAMOR (Cf. clamor) (q.v.); for spelling, see OR (Cf. or). Related: Clamouring; clamourous …   Etymology dictionary

  • clamour — I n. 1) an insistent; loud; public clamour 2) a clamour against; for (a clamour against new taxes) II v. 1) (d; intr.) to clamour for (to clamour for justice) 2) (E) they were clamouring to see the senator * * * [ klæmə] loud public clamour for… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • clamour — clam|our1 BrE clamor AmE [ˈklæmə US ər] n [singular, U] 1.) a very loud noise made by a large group of people or animals ▪ He shouted over the rising clamour of voices. 2.) the expression of feelings of anger and shock by a large number of people …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • clamour — I UK [ˈklæmə(r)] / US [ˈklæmər] noun [singular/uncountable] formal 1) an urgent request for something by a lot of people clamour for: There is a growing clamour for a ban on genetically modified foods. 2) a very loud noise made by a lot of people …   English dictionary

  • clamour — [[t]klæ̱mə(r)[/t]] clamours, clamouring, clamoured (in AM, use clamor) 1) VERB If people are clamouring for something, they are demanding it in a noisy or angry way. [JOURNALISM] [V for n] ...competing parties clamouring for the attention of the… …   English dictionary

  • clamour — Clamor Clam or, n. [OF. clamour, clamur, F. clameur, fr. L. clamor, fr. clamare to cry out. See {Claim}.] 1. A great outcry or vociferation; loud and continued shouting or exclamation from many people. Shak. [Also spelled {clamour}.] Syn: clamor …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • clamour — /ˈklæmə / (say klamuh) noun 1. a loud outcry. 2. a vehement expression of desire or dissatisfaction. 3. popular outcry. 4. any loud and continued noise. –verb (i) 5. to make a clamour; raise an outcry. –verb (t) 6. to drive, force, put, etc., by… …  

  • clamour — n. & v. (US clamor) n. 1 loud or vehement shouting or noise. 2 a protest or complaint; an appeal or demand. v. 1 intr. make a clamour. 2 tr. utter with a clamour. Derivatives: clamorous adj. clamorously adv. clamorousness n. Etymology: ME f. OF f …   Useful english dictionary

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