
complete, total, utter
considerable, great
mild, slight
general, mass, widespread

They are very hard to tell apart, so the confusion is understandable.


His expression was one of pure confusion.

ensuing, resulting
avoid, prevent

a few key tips to help you avoid any confusion

I kept my ex-husband's last name to prevent confusion.

cause, create, generate, lead to, result in, sow
add to

This latest decision has only added to the general confusion.


medication labels that minimize confusion

clarify, clear up, dispel, eliminate
plunge sb/sth into, throw sb/sth into

The office has been thrown into total confusion by her resignation.


I could sense her confusion and frustration.

arise, reign

Confusion reigns when two managers give conflicting instructions.

surround sth

The government needs to clear up the confusion surrounding its policy on water.

in (the) confusion

She stared at them both in utter confusion.

In the confusion that followed, she managed to slip away unnoticed.

confusion about, confusion over, confusion regarding

There is widespread confusion about the government's health policy.

There has been considerable confusion regarding the facts of her death.

confusion among

The announcement caused a lot of confusion among the students.

confusion as to

confusion as to the whereabouts of the man

confusion between

confusion between letters of the alphabet

confusion with

the confusion of this book with her last one

a scene of confusion, a state of confusion
to avoid confusion

To avoid confusion, label each box clearly.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • confusion — [ kɔ̃fyzjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1080 « ruine, défaite »; lat. confusio → confus I ♦ (déb. XIIe) Trouble qui résulte de la honte, de l humiliation, d un excès de pudeur ou de modestie. ⇒ embarras, gêne, 2. trouble. Rougir de confusion. Remplir qqn de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • confusión — sustantivo femenino 1. Error o equivocación: Esta carta no es para mí, debe de haber sido una confusión. 2. Mezcla de personas o cosas que hace difícil distinguir unas de otras: Tiene tal confusión de ideas que no sabe qué decir. Tenemos que… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • confusion — [kən fyo͞o′zhən] n. [ME & OFr < L confusio] a confusing or being confused; specif., a) state of disorder b) bewilderment; distraction c) embarrassment d) failure to distinguish between things covered with confusion greatly embarrassed con …   English World dictionary

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