
(esp. BrE) (AmE usually counselor) noun person trained to advise or help people
accredited (BrE), certified (AmE), professional, trained
credit (AmE), debt (BrE), family, genetic, grief, marriage (AmE), marriage guidance (BrE), mental-health
college (esp. AmE), school (esp. AmE), student, youth (esp. AmE)
peer (esp. AmE)
camp (= a person in charge of young people at a summer camp) (AmE)
see, talk to

He talked to a counsellor about his marriage difficulties.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • counsellor — (US counselor) ► NOUN 1) a person trained to give guidance on personal or psychological problems. 2) a senior officer in the diplomatic service. 3) (also counselor at law) US & Irish a barrister …   English terms dictionary

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  • counsellor — (US counselor) noun 1》 a person trained to give guidance on personal, social, or psychological problems. 2》 a senior officer in the diplomatic service. 3》 (also counselor at law) US & Irish a barrister. Usage The words counsellor and councillor… …   English new terms dictionary

  • counsellor — /ˈkaʊnsələ / (say kownsuhluh) noun 1. someone who counsels; an adviser. 2. US Law a lawyer, especially a trial lawyer. 3. a high ranking officer in a diplomatic mission. 4. Also, school counsellor. a professional psychologist employed in a school …  

  • counsellor — n. (US counselor) 1 a person who gives counsel; an adviser. 2 a person trained to give guidance on personal, social, or psychological problems (marriage guidance counsellor). 3 a senior officer in the diplomatic service. 4 a (also counselor at… …   Useful english dictionary

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