
1 money used in a particular country

They prefer to be paid in foreign currencies.

common, global, international

US dollars are considered common currency in international transactions.


You can convert sterling into the local currency.

European, Japanese, etc.

the single European currency

stable, strong

A stable currency means that your savings do not diminish in value

change, convert sth into, convert sth to, exchange
buy, sell

The fund supports weak currencies.

peg, tie

Argentina's currency was pegged to the dollar.

depreciate, fall
float, fluctuate

For four months all major currencies floated.

The system allows currencies to fluctuate within certain limits.

conversion, exchange, translation

The disappointing profits are due to unfavourable/unfavorable currency translations.


They make money by speculating on the currency markets.

deal, dealing, speculation, trade, trading
dealer, speculator, trader
fluctuation, movements
in … currency

She had $500 in foreign currency.

2 being believed/accepted/used by many people
common, general, wide, widespread
cultural, political, social
enjoy, have

This belief has general currency.


How did the idea gain currency?

NOTE: Currencies
change sth into/to … , convert sth into/to … 

I want to change 100 dollars into euros.

buy … , sell … 

The bank will sell you one Russian rouble for 4.14 Japanese yen.

a 20-pound, 50-euro, etc. note (BrE), a 20-dollar, 50-euro, etc. bill (AmE), a 50-cent, one-pound, etc. coin

a dollar bill

a pound coin

for a … 

How many dinars will I get for a dollar?

in (the) … 

The contract is denominated in euros.

How much is that in US dollars?

a tax of 30p in the pound

 … for … 

The company promises to match any money the charity makes dollar for dollar.

 … worth of sth

a million pounds' worth of books

a high … , a rising … , a strong … 

Business should benefit from a stronger euro.

a falling … , a low … , a weak … 

The yen gained 10 points against a weak dollar.

 … is overvalued

Research suggests that the pound is overvalued.

float … 

The UK floated sterling in June 1972.

devalue … 

The Fiji dollar may have to be devalued.

defend … , prop up … , protect … , shore up … , support … 

Will the central bank intervene to prop up the euro?

 … is worth sth

One Saudi Arabian riyal is worth approximately 0.27 US dollars.

 … strengthens

The peso strengthened on the foreign exchanges.

 … comes under pressure

The pound came under pressure against the dollar.

 … closes, opens

The pound closed yesterday at 1.9830 dollars.

 … is fixed to, … is pegged to

Many emerging countries have their currencies pegged to the dollar.

 … value

The dollar value of the stock rose to $11.5 billion.

 … terms

The rise in government spending was equivalent to only 9% in dollar terms.

 … exchange rate

All prices are based on the South African rand exchange rate.

 … equivalent

She was paid the dollar equivalent of £10 000.

against the … 

The yen has strengthened against the pound.

to the … 

How many dollars are there to the pound?

depreciation of the … , devaluation of the … , reflation of the … 

the devaluation of the peso in 1994

a run on the … 

The government increased interest rates to avoid a run on the rouble (= sudden large selling of the currency).

the value of the … 

a rise in the value of the euro

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • currency — ► NOUN (pl. currencies) 1) a system of money in general use in a particular country. 2) the quality or period of being current …   English terms dictionary

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