
broad, broadly based, wide

Teachers feel that the present curriculum is too narrow.


Students choose from optional subjects in addition to the core curriculum.

national, official

His disability does not prevent him from following the mainstream curriculum.

academic, educational
college, school, university
primary, secondary (both esp. BrE)
elementary-school, high-school, middle-school (all in the US)
English, geography, mathematics, etc.
comprehensive, rigorous (both AmE)

Children learn many of their attitudes to life from the hidden curriculum at school.

create, design, develop, plan
change, revise
introduce sth into

Chinese has been introduced into the curriculum as an option.

content, subjects
design, development, planning
aims, objectives
change, reform, review
committee (AmE)
guide, specialist (both AmE)
across the curriculum

Students use computers across the curriculum (= in all or most subjects).

in a/the curriculum (AmE), on a/the curriculum (BrE)

Spanish is in the curriculum.

They all have to study French because it's on the curriculum.

within a/the curriculum

the balance of subjects within the curriculum

areas of the curriculum

We cover all areas of the curriculum.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • curriculum — vitæ [ kyrikylɔmvite ] n. m. inv. ou curriculum [ kyrikylɔm ] n. m. • 1900; mots lat. « course de la vie » ♦ Ensemble des indications fournies par une personne sur son état civil, sa formation, ses activités passées. Joindre à sa lettre de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • currículum — o currículum vitae (plural currículos o, para la locución latina, la forma currícula vitae o la invariable currículum vitae) sustantivo masculino 1. Relación de datos biográficos, estudios realizados y trabajos desempeñados que se presenta cuando …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • Curriculum — steht für: die Regelungen zum Studium an einer österreichischen Universität, siehe Studienordnung ein pädagogisches Konzept, siehe Curriculum (Pädagogik) Siehe auch: Curriculum vitae, siehe Lebenslauf …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • CURRICULUM — apud Horatium, Ode principe, v. 3. Sunt quos Cutriculô pulverem Olympicum Collegisse iuvat, metaque fervidis Evitata rotis An pro stailio et hippodromo? ut apud Ciceronem, in Catone mai. c. 9. Quum Milo Crotomtates athletas se in Curriculo… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • curriculum — (n.) 1824, from Modern Latin transferred use of classical L. curriculum a running, course, career (also a fast chariot, racing car ), from currere (see CURRENT (Cf. current) (adj.)). Used in English as a Latin word since 1630s at Scottish… …   Etymology dictionary

  • curriculum — s. m. 1. Documento que contém os dados biográficos e os relativos à formação, conhecimentos e percurso profissional de uma pessoa. 2. Descrição do conjunto de conteúdos ou matérias de um curso escolar ou universitário. • Sinônimo geral: CURRÍCULO …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • curriculum — meaning ‘a course of study’, has a plural curricula. A curriculum vitae (abbreviated to CV or c.v.) is a brief account of a person s education and professional experience. The plural is curricula vitae (curricula vitarum is impossibly pedantic),… …   Modern English usage

  • Curriculum — Cur*ric u*lum (k?r r?k ? l?m), n.; pl. E. {Curriculums} ( l?mz), L. {Curricula} ( l[.a]). [L. See {Curricle}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A race course; a place for running. [1913 Webster] 2. A course; particularly, a specified fixed course of study, as… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Curricŭlum — (lat.), bei den Römern Wettrennen, auch Rennwagen, Rennbahn und Laufbahn. Daher C. vitae, der Lebenslauf …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • curriculum — I noun agenda, compendium, course, course of study, discipline, plan, program, prospectus, schedule, seminar, study, syllabus associated concepts: continuing legal education II index career III …   Law dictionary

  • curriculum — currículum (lat.) s.n. Trimis de Lidia, 27.10.2008. Sursa: DOOM 2 …   Dicționar Român

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