
accurate, reliable
comprehensive, detailed, extensive
preliminary, raw

We have amassed a large amount of raw data for analysis.

factual, hard

There is no hard data to support these theories.

available, published
digital, empirical, experimental, numerical, observational, quantitative, scientific, statistical
demographic, environmental, financial, genetic, geological, historical, technical

One vital item of data was missing from the table.

mass, set

Special software is needed to manipulate the mass of data.

Although we were using the same set of data, we obtained different results.

acquire, amass, capture, collect, gather, generate, get, obtain

We need to collect more data before we can do any more work.

enter, feed in

The next step is to feed in all this data.

have, hold, record, store

They are not allowed to hold data on people's private finances.

access, retrieve
analyse/analyze, compare, examine, interpret, look at, study
handle, manage, manipulate, process

The computer can manipulate massive amounts of data.

exchange, share, transfer
send, transmit
present (sb with), show
provide (sb with), publish, report

The government departments refused to provide the data that we required.


This theory seems to fit the available data.

be derived from sth

The data derived from this project has increased our knowledge of how genes work.

illustrate sth, indicate sth, reflect sth, show sth, suggest sth

Data indicates that most crime is committed by young males.

This data reflects the magnitude of the problem.

support sth
acquisition, capture, collection

Weather conditions have made accurate data collection difficult.

entry, input
access, retrieval
analysis, handling, management, manipulation, processing
exchange, interchange, stream, transfer, transmission
protection, security

These demands could breach EU data-protection laws.

archive, bank (usually databank), base (usually database), centre/center, file, network, set

The fuller data set for this period permits a much more detailed analysis.

service, structure, system
in the data

We have found some very interesting things in the data.

data about

Data about patients is only released with their permission.

data for

We have no data for southern Mexico.

data from

My aim is to synthesize data from all the surveys.

data on

data on the effects of pollution

the acquisition, handling, storage, etc. of data
a source of data

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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