
1 particular day
earlier, earliest

She suggested an earlier date for the meeting.

later, latest
exact, firm, specific

I can't give you specific dates.

provisional (esp. BrE), tentative

May 7, 2005 was a very significant date in my life.


The closing date for applications is May 22.

expiration (AmE), expiry (BrE)

What's the expiration/expiry date on your credit card?

delivery, publication, release
arrival, departure

The baby was born exactly on its due date.

anniversary, birth
pull (AmE), sell-by

This yogurt is past its sell-by date.

cut-off, end

Historians disagree on the cut-off date for the medieval period.

commencement (esp. BrE), start

The building was not finished by the completion date.

agree, agree on, arrange, decide, decide on, fix, set

Can we fix dates for the trip?

Has a date been set for the meeting?

give sb

Give me a couple of dates are good for you.

book (usually datebook)
after a/the date

We cannot accept applications received after this date.

at a … date

The election is scheduled to take place at an unspecified date in the spring.

before a/the date
by a/the date

The building must be finished by the date agreed.

from a/the date

The agreement runs from that date.

on a/the date

I have two meetings on that date.

date for

We need to set a date for the wedding.

date of

the date of the election

the big date

the biggest date in the country music calendar

at a future date, at some future date

More money will be made available at some future date.

at a later date

We can do that at a later date.

date of birth

Please give your name, address and date of birth.

of recent date

The foundations are Roman, but the rest of the building is of more recent date.

put a date on sth

It's difficult to put a date on when the idea started.

today's date

What's today's date?

2 appointment to meet sb socially
dinner, lunch

She met her husband on a blind date.

double (= when two couples have a date together)

She had a hot date and wanted to look her best.


I have a date with Camilla on Friday night.


I need to find a date for Friday.

make (esp. BrE)

We must make a date to have lunch.


She wanted to arrive in time to keep her date.

break (AmE), cancel

He really didn't want to break his date with Alicia.

movie (AmE)

It's a great date movie.

on a date

She's out on a date with her new girlfriend.

date with
accurately, precisely

It has not yet been possible to date the paintings accurately.

Date is used with these nouns as the object: ↑memorandum

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • daté — daté …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • date — [ dat ] n. f. • 1281; lat. médiév. data (littera) « (lettre) donnée », premiers mots de la formule indiquant la date où un acte avait été rédigé 1 ♦ Indication du jour du mois (⇒ quantième), du mois et de l année (⇒ millésime) où un acte a été… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • date — I noun assigned time, day, day of the week, dies, marked time, moment, particular point of time, period, period of time, point of time, specified period of time, tempus, time, time during which anything occurs associated concepts: antedating,… …   Law dictionary

  • date — date  утилита Unix для работы с системными часами. Выводит текущую дату и время в различных форматах и позволяет устанавливать системное время. Содержание 1 Реализации 2 Использование 3 Ключи …   Википедия

  • Date — bezeichnet: ein Treffen oder eine Verabredung, bei Verliebten auch Stelldichein Blind Date, ein verabredetes Treffen unter bisher unbekannten Personen in Programmiersprachen häufig einen Datentyp zur Speicherung von Datum und Uhrzeit bei vielen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Date — утилита Unix для работы с системными часами. Выводит текущую дату и время в различных форматах и позволяет устанавливать системное время. Содержание 1 Использование 2 Ключи 3 См. также …   Википедия

  • date — DATE. sub. fém. Ce qui marque le temps et le lieu où une lettre a été écrite, où un acte a été passé, etc. La date d une lettre, d un contrat, d un Arrêt, etc. Mettre la date. De fraîche date. De nouvelle date. De vieille date. Il produit une… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • Date My Ex — Date My Ex: Jo and Slade Format Reality Starring Jo De La Rosa Slade Smiley Myia Ingoldsby Lucas James Country of origin United States Production Runni …   Wikipedia

  • date — DATE. s. f. Ce que l on escrit pour marquer le temps & le lieu auquel une chose a esté faite. La date d une lettre, d un contract, d un arrest &c. mettre la date. de fraische date. de nouvelle date. de vieille date. il produit une lettre en date… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Date — Date, n. [F. date, LL. data, fr. L. datus given, p. p. of dare to give; akin to Gr. ?, OSlaw. dati, Skr. d[=a]. Cf. {Datum}, Dose, {Dato}, {Die}.] 1. That addition to a writing, inscription, coin, etc., which specifies the time (as day, month,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • date — [n1] point in time; particular day or time age, century, course, day, duration, epoch, era, generation, hour, juncture, moment, period, quarter, reign, span, spell, stage, term, time, while, year; concepts 800,801,802,815 date [n2] social… …   New thesaurus

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