
1 clear difference
critical, crucial, important, key, main, major, vital
basic, essential, fundamental
clear, clear-cut, obvious, real, rigid, sharp, strong
fine, subtle

It was a subtle distinction but a very important one.

broad, general
meaningful, significant, useful, valid
arbitrary, artificial, false, meaningless

Is there always an absolute distinction between right and wrong?

conventional, old, traditional

the conventional distinction between pure and applied science

categorical, conceptual, formal, qualitative, semantic, theoretical
legal, moral
class, cultural, gender, racial, social
draw, make

She draws an important distinction between the different kinds of illness.

note, recognize, see, understand

We can see a sharp distinction between ambition and greed.

blur, collapse, erase (esp. AmE), obscure

The distinction between amateur and professional players is being blurred.


Cultural distinctions lie at the heart of these issues.


No legal distinction existed between cities and other corporations.

without distinction

All groups are entitled to this money without distinction (= without a difference being made between them).

distinction between
distinction of

a society without distinctions of class and privilege

2 excellence/fame
considerable, great
academic, intellectual, professional, social

Election to the NAE is an indication of professional distinction.


He has the dubious distinction of being the world's most famous gangster.

achieve, earn

She achieved distinction in several fields of scholarship.


New York does not have the nation's oldest subway system; that distinction belongs to Boston.

of distinction

She is a historian of great distinction.

with distinction

He served with distinction in the First World War.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • distinction — [ distɛ̃ksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • v. 1170; lat. distinctio 1 ♦ Action de distinguer, de reconnaître pour différent. ⇒ démarcation, différenciation, discrimination, séparation. Faire la distinction entre deux choses. ⇒ 2. départ. La distinction du bien et… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • distinction — DISTINCTION. s. f. Division, séparation. Ecrire tout de suite sans distinction de chapitres. Bible imprimée sans distinction de versets. f♛/b] Il signifie aussi, Différence. Faire distinction de l ami et de l ennemi. Offenser tout le monde sans… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

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  • Distinction t-v — La distinction T(u) V(ous) ─ ou « distinction entre le tutoiement et le vouvoiement/voussoiement » ─ est un concept grammatical et linguistique familier aux locuteurs de langues indo européennes (sauf dans le cas de l anglais moderne,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • distinction — Distinction. s. f. v. Division, separation. Escrire tout de suite sans distinction de chapitre. la distinction des droits de quelqu un d avec ceux d un autre. Il sign aussi, Difference. Sans distinction de l amy ny de l ennemy. offenser tout le… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Distinction — Dis*tinc tion, n. [L. distinctio: cf. F. distinction.] 1. A marking off by visible signs; separation into parts; division. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] The distinction of tragedy into acts was not known. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. The act of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Distinction — may refer to: Distinction (social) is a social force that places different values on different individuals. (social, class, and style) Distinction (law) is a principle under international humanitarian law governing the legal use of force in an… …   Wikipedia

  • distinction — [di stiŋk′shən] n. [ME distinccioun < OFr distinction < L distinctio < pp. of distinguere: see DISTINGUISH] 1. the act of making or keeping distinct; differentiation between or among things 2. the condition of being different; difference …   English World dictionary

  • Distinction — Distinction, Unterschied, Absonderung, Trennung. Man distinguirt im Urtheile z. B., wenn man zwischen der Meinung (Ansicht) des Einen und der des Anderen einen Mittelweg (Unterschied) einschlägt. In der Conversationssprache bedeutet Distinction… …   Damen Conversations Lexikon

  • distinction — c.1200, one of the parts into which something is divided; mid 14c. as action of distinguishing, from O.Fr. distinction and directly from L. distinctionem (nom. distinctio) separation, distinction, discrimination, noun of action from pp. stem of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • distinction — I (difference) noun antithesis, characteristic difference, contrariety, contrast, differentia, differential, differentiation, disaccord, disagreement, discongruity, discrepancy, discrimen, discrimination, disharmony, disparity, dissension,… …   Law dictionary

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