
neighbouring/neighboring, surrounding

Fire crews from all the surrounding districts helped to fight the fires.

central, downtown (AmE)

Every city has its central business district.

The apartment is approximately fifteen minutes from the downtown district.

outlying, remote

a new station to help people commuting from outlying districts

northern, southern, etc.
affluent, exclusive, rich, wealthy
poor, working-class

the shacks in the poorest districts of the city

conservation (AmE)
coastal, country, local, metropolitan, rural, suburban, urban
business, commercial, financial (AmE), industrial, residential, warehouse (esp. AmE)
arts, entertainment, shopping, theatre/theater

Times Square is the entertainment district of New York.

garment, meat-packing, mining (all AmE)
electoral, polling, voting (AmE)
congressional, federal, judicial, legislative (all in the US)

a federal district court in New York

postal (in the UK)
Democratic, Republican

It's a heavily Democratic district.

swing (= in which people often change who they vote for) (AmE)
home (esp. AmE)

He hasn't yet registered to vote in his home district.

health (esp. BrE), military, school (AmE)

He has been transferred to a hospital in a different health district.

The company supplies milk to Maine school districts.


efforts to create a single business district in downtown Beijing

draw, redraw (both AmE, politics)

This Houston district was originally drawn to elect a Hispanic Democrat.

They redrew districts to make sure Republican candidates would win.


He represented his district in Congress.

win (AmE)

Clinton barely won the district in 1996.


Their district stretches from the mountains to the sea.

include sth

The district includes much of the Ribault River.

offer sth, provide sth
authority, council

the district health authority (in the UK)

attorney, judge, official (all in the US)
councillor, nurse (both in the UK)
court (in the US)
hospital (in the UK)

Redrawing district boundaries would change the election results.

in a/the district, within a/the district

The hotel is located within Beijing's business district.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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