
1 change of direction
brief, short (esp. BrE)
major (esp. BrE)
make, take

From Poiso we make a short diversion to drive to the top of the mountain.

diversion from

the diversion of water from the river into the reservoir

diversion to

The pilot set the aircraft up for a diversion to the nearest suitable airfield.

2 (BrE) temporary route ⇨ See also ↑detour

A temporary diversion has been set up to take traffic away from the accident site.

set up

The road will be closed for two days; diversions have been signposted.

be in operation

The main road is now closed and diversions are in operation.

3 distraction
create, provide

The fire was started to create a diversion, allowing some prisoners to escape.

diversion from

TV provided a welcome diversion from our routine.

4 pleasant activity
fun, nice, pleasant
little, minor (esp. BrE)
make, provide

The party would make a pleasant diversion in his rather dull social life.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • diversion — [ divɛrsjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1314; bas lat. diversio, de divertere « détourner » 1 ♦ Opération militaire destinée à détourner l ennemi d un point. Opérer une diversion avant d attaquer. Manœuvre de diversion. 2 ♦ Fig. Littér. Action qui détourne qqn de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • diversion — DIVERSION. sub. fém. Action par laquelle on detourne. Il est entré dans le pays des ennemis pour faire diversion. Il avoit une grande fluxion sur les yeux, et on l a saigné pour faire diversion de l humeur. Ces deux amis commençoient à disputer… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

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  • Diversion — Di*ver sion, n. [Cf. F. diversion. See {Divert}.] 1. The act of turning aside from any course, occupation, or object; as, the diversion of a stream from its channel; diversion of the mind from business. [1913 Webster] 2. That which diverts; that… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • diversion — di‧ver‧sion [daɪˈvɜːʆn, d ǁ ɜːrʒn] noun [singular] COMMERCE when money stops being spent in one area of business or on one type of product, and starts being spent on another: • a diversion of resources away from the competitive export market * …   Financial and business terms

  • diversion — Diversion. s. f. Action par laquelle on destourne. Il n a guere d usage qu en termes de guerre & de Medecine. Il est entré dans le pays des ennemis pour faire diversion. il avoit une grande fluxion sur les yeux, & on l a saigné pour faire… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • diversión — sustantivo femenino 1. Acción y resultado de divertir o divertirse: Me gusta un rato de diversión los sábados por la tarde. 2. Actividad o cosa que sirve de pasatiempo: Su diversión favorita es el deporte. La música es una buena diversión. Es una …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

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