- door
- nounADJECTIVE▪ open▪ closed, shut▪ locked, unlocked▪ half-open▪
The door was half-open when we got there.
▪ back, front, rear, side▪the back door of a house
▪the rear door of a car
▪ entrance, main▪ inner, internal▪The inner door leads to the safe and is always locked after 5 p.m.
▪ external, outer▪All external doors should be bolted top and bottom.
▪ big, great, heavy, huge, massive, solid, thick▪She had trouble pushing the heavy door open.
▪ narrow, wide▪ iron, oak, steel, wooden, etc.▪ glazed▪ double, French (esp. AmE), patio▪Go along the corridor and through the double doors.
▪ screen (esp. AmE)▪ automatic, folding, revolving, sliding, swing (BrE), swinging (AmE)▪He got stuck in a revolving door.
▪She pushed her way through the swing/swinging doors.
▪ apartment (esp. AmE), bathroom, flat (BrE), kitchen, etc.▪ closet (esp. AmE), cupboard (esp. BrE), fridge, refrigerator▪ elevator (AmE), lift (BrE)▪ cubicle (esp. BrE), shower, stall (AmE)▪ barn, Dutch (AmE), stable▪ garage▪ car▪ driver's, passenger▪ stage▪ fire (= a heavy door used to prevent a fire from spreading in a building)▪ trap (usually trapdoor)▪ magic, mysterious, secretVERB + DOOR▪ fling open, open, pull open, push open, throw open▪He flung the door open and caught them stuffing a document back into a briefcase.
▪ try▪I tried the door but it was locked.
▪ bang, close, shut, slam▪ pull closed, pull shut, pull to (BrE), push to (BrE), slam shut▪He pulled the door shut.
▪ bar, bolt, lock▪He arrived home to find the door barred.
▪Remember to bolt the door before you go to bed.
▪ unbolt, unlatch (esp. AmE), unlock▪ keep closed, keep shut, leave closed, leave shut▪ leave on the latch (BrE)▪I left the door on the latch so that I could sneak back in later.
▪ keep open, leave ajar, leave open, prop open▪Someone had propped the fire door open with a pile of books.
▪ come in, go in▪ come out, go out, slip out of▪He came in the side door.
▪ approach, head for▪ bang on, knock at, knock on▪I banged on the door for several minutes but still couldn't wake them.
▪ answer▪Go and answer the door.
▪ work (AmE)▪He was working the door at the event.
▪ see sb to▪ break down, kick down, kick in▪They had to break the door down to get into the house.
▪ blockDOOR + VERB▪ creak▪ burst open, creak open, fly open, open, slide open, swing open▪The door burst open and a little boy ran in.
▪ swing shut, swing to (BrE)▪ hang open▪ be ajar, stand ajar▪The door stood ajar so I could see a narrow section of the room.
▪ be open, stand open▪ be jammed, be stuck▪The door was jammed shut.
▪ bang, rattle, shake▪I was woken by a door banging in the wind.
▪The door banged shut.
▪ click shut, close, shut, slam, slam shut▪ connect sth▪The door connecting the two offices is kept locked.
▪ face sth▪ lead to sth, open onto sth▪This door leads to my bedroom.
▪The door opens onto a sunny terrace.
▪ be set in the wall▪I stopped at a low oak door set in the stone wall.
▪ bear sth, be marked sth▪The door bore a notice saying ‘Private’.
▪I went through the door marked ‘Waiting Room’.
DOOR + NOUN▪ handle, knob (usually doorknob)▪ frame, jamb▪He leaned against the door jamb.
▪ furniture (BrE, technical), knocker▪ bell (usually doorbell)▪ chain (esp. BrE), latch (esp. AmE), lock▪Always put the door chain on.
▪ key▪ mat (usually doormat)▪ stop (usually doorstop)▪This book would make a good doorstop.
▪ opener▪automatic garage door openers
▪ hinge▪a creaking door hinge
▪ mirror (esp. BrE), panel (on a car)▪Parking is helped by wide door mirrors.
▪ man (usually doorman), staff▪ prize (= a prize for having the winning ticket handed out at the entrance to a social event) (AmE)PREPOSITION▪ around the door, round the door (esp. BrE)▪She stuck her head around the door to say goodbye.
▪ at the door▪There's someone at the door.
▪ in the door▪He stood in the door for several minutes before deciding whether he'd stay.
▪ through the door▪He looked through the door to make sure the children were all right.
▪She poked her head through the door to say goodbye.
▪ door into, door to▪the door into the backyard
▪ door between▪the door between the laundry room and the garage
PHRASES▪ close, shut etc. the door behind you▪He banged the front door behind him as he left.
▪ hold the door for sb, open the door for sb▪ blow a door off its hinges, pull a door off its hinges, take a door off its hinges▪ shut, slam, etc. the door in sb's face
Collocations dictionary. 2013.