
1 rough/early version of a written document
early, first, initial, original, preliminary
rough, working
draw up, prepare, produce, write

She produced an initial draft of her plans.

complete, finish

I finished the first draft in late August 2007.

send, submit

I sent an early draft to an agent.

The students were invited to submit drafts for feedback.


He reviewed an earlier draft of this manuscript.


The preliminary draft of the agreement has been approved.

issue, publish, release
agreement, bill, budget, constitution, contract, document, letter, report, treaty
law, legislation
plan, proposal
in a/the draft

These details were not included in the preliminary draft.

in draft form (esp. BrE)

The document is still in draft form.

2 the draft (esp. AmE) order to serve in the armed forces ⇨ See also ↑conscription
avoid, dodge
oppose, support
bring back, reinstate
3 (AmE) current of air ⇨ See ↑draught
(also draught esp. in BrE) verb
carefully, properly (esp. BrE), well
badly, poorly

Some of the clauses in the contract had been very poorly drafted.


The bill as originally drafted would have made the tobacco companies a lot more vulnerable to lawsuits.

hastily, quickly

hastily drafted pieces of legislation

Draft is used with these nouns as the object: ↑amendment, ↑bill, ↑charter, ↑constitution, ↑contract, ↑document, ↑law, ↑legislation, ↑letter, ↑memo, ↑memorandum, ↑paper, ↑petition, ↑plan, ↑player, ↑proposal, ↑resolution, ↑tackle, ↑treaty, ↑will
Draft is used with these nouns: ↑agreement, ↑amendment, ↑animal, ↑beer, ↑bill, ↑budget, ↑charter, ↑constitution, ↑convention, ↑copy, ↑directive, ↑document, ↑guideline, ↑horse, ↑legislation, ↑manuscript, ↑paper, ↑proposal, ↑recommendation, ↑regulation, ↑report, ↑resolution, ↑riot, ↑script, ↑strategy, ↑text, ↑treaty, ↑version

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • draft — 1 n 1: a preliminary version of something (as a law) 2 a: a system for or act of selecting individuals from a group (as for military service) b: the act or process of selecting an individual (as for political candidacy) without his or her… …   Law dictionary

  • Draft — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Un draft es un proceso utilizado en los Estados Unidos, Canadá, y Australia para poder asignar determinados jugadores a equipos deportivos. En un draft, los equipos se turnan la selección de un grupo de jugadores… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Draft — Draft, a. 1. Pertaining to, or used for, drawing or pulling (as vehicles, loads, etc.). Same as {Draught}; as, a draft horse. [1913 Webster] 2. Relating to, or characterized by, a draft, or current of air. Same as {Draught}. [1913 Webster] Note:… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Draft ox — Draft Draft, a. 1. Pertaining to, or used for, drawing or pulling (as vehicles, loads, etc.). Same as {Draught}; as, a draft horse. [1913 Webster] 2. Relating to, or characterized by, a draft, or current of air. Same as {Draught}. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Draft 7.30 — Studio album by Autechre Released 7 April 2003 …   Wikipedia

  • Draft 7.30 — Студи …   Википедия

  • draft — draft·able; draft; draft·ee; draft·er; draft·i·ly; draft·i·ness; draft·man; in·draft; re·draft; draft·man·ship; …   English syllables

  • draft — [n1] something formulated; plan abstract, blueprint, delineation, outline, preliminary form, rough sketch, version; concepts 271,660 draft [n2] check for paying money bank draft, bill, bond, cheque, coupon, debenture, IOU, letter of credit, money …   New thesaurus

  • draft — [draft, dräft] n. [ME draught, a drawing, pulling, stroke < base of OE dragan, DRAW] 1. a) a drawing or pulling, as of a vehicle or load b) the thing, quantity, or load pulled 2. a) a drawing in of a fish net …   English World dictionary

  • draft — /draft / (say drahft) noun 1. Also, draught. a drawing, sketch, or design. 2. Also, draught. a first or preliminary form of any writing, subject to revision and copying. 3. Also, draught. the act of drawing; delineation. 4. US the taking of… …  

  • Draft — (dr[.a]ft), n. [The same word as draught. OE. draught, draht, fr. AS. dragan to draw. See {Draw}, and cf. {Draught}.] 1. The act of drawing; also, the thing drawn. Same as {Draught}. [1913 Webster] Everything available for draft burden. S. G.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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