
1 special importance/attention
big (informal), considerable, great, heavy, huge

schools that put a heavy emphasis on sporting achievement


Little emphasis was placed on educating people about the dangers.

growing, increasing
current, new, recent

with the new emphasis on individuality and creative expression

main, major, primary

We discussed where the main emphasis should be placed.

particular, special, specific

Examine the events leading to the war, with particular emphasis on France's role in them.


Both subjects should be given equal emphasis.

added, extra, increased
excessive, undue

I believe the education system places undue emphasis on exam results.


a cultural emphasis on educational achievement

give, lay, place, put

The company lays great emphasis on customer care.

have, receive

Education received special emphasis.

change, shift

The Democrats shifted the emphasis away from direct taxation.

move, shift

In recent years, the emphasis has moved away from punishing drug addicts towards/toward helping them.

fall on sth
emphasis on, emphasis upon

The emphasis is on keeping fit rather than developing lots of muscles.

a change of emphasis, a shift of emphasis
2 stress on a word/phrase

‘I’, he said with great emphasis, ‘was the one.’


His slight emphasis on the word ‘lady’ was definitely mocking.


He put extra emphasis on the word ‘never’.

with emphasis

She repeated the question with emphasis.

emphasis on

Put the emphasis on the second syllable.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • emphasis — emphasis, stress, accent, accentuation denote exerted force by which one thing stands out conspicuously among other things; they also often designate the effect produced or the means used in gaining this effect. Emphasis implies effort to bring… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • emphasis — em pha*sis ([e^]m f[.a]*s[i^]s), n.; pl. {Emphases} ([e^]m f[.a]*s[=e]z). [L., fr. Gr. e mfasis significance, force of expression, fr. emfai nein to show in, indicate; en in + fai nein to show. See {In}, and {Phase}.] 1. (Rhet.) A particular… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Emphasis — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Emphasis Información personal Origen Castellón, España …   Wikipedia Español

  • Emphasis — Thomas R. Kobayashi mieux connu sous le nom d Emphasis est un compositeur franco japonais de musique électronique. Né à Tokyo et vécu à Paris, il sera inspiré par ces différentes cultures dans sa musique. Il a passé son adolescence au lycée… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • emphasis — I noun accent, accentuation, affirmation, attention, concentration, consequence, consideration, distinction, distinctness, eminence, emphasis, energy, exclamation, force, force of expression, force of voice, forcibleness, highlight, ictus,… …   Law dictionary

  • emphasis — 1570s, from L. emphasis, from Gk. emphasis significance, indirect meaning, from emphainein to present, show, indicate, from en in (see EN (Cf. en ) (2)) + phainein to show (see PHANTASM (Cf. phantasm)). In Greek and Latin, it developed a sense of …   Etymology dictionary

  • emphasis — [em′fə sis] n. pl. emphases [em′fəsēz΄] [L < Gr emphasis, an appearing in, outward appearance < emphainein, to indicate < en , in + phainein, to show < IE base * bha , to shine > OE bonian, to polish] 1. force of expression,… …   English World dictionary

  • Emphasis — Emphasis, griech., in der Rhetorik der Nachdruck der Rede, namentlich durch Betonung; emphatisch, nachdrucksvoll …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • emphasis — [n] importance, prominence accent, accentuation, attention, decidedness, force, headline, highlight, impressiveness, insistence, intensity, moment, positiveness, power, preeminence, priority, significance, strength, stress, underlining,… …   New thesaurus

  • emphasis — ► NOUN (pl. emphases) 1) special importance, value, or prominence given to something. 2) stress laid on a word or words in speaking. ORIGIN Greek, originally in the sense appearance, show , later denoting a figure of speech in which more is… …   English terms dictionary

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