
gradually, slowly
quickly, rapidly

the theory which eventually evolved from this study

constantly, continually, continuously

Veterinary medicine is steadily evolving to meet the demands of pet owners.

considerably, dramatically, significantly

The market has evolved considerably in recent years.

differently, independently, separately

Monkeys in the New World evolved separately from those in the Old World.


Africa and its wildlife evolved together.

continue to
tend to

Online games tend to evolve over time.

according to

Our products have been evolving according to the requirements of the times.


More complex animals gradually evolved from these very simple creatures.


The protest movement has evolved into a well-organized political party.

out of

A lot of Michael's work has evolved out of his experience with travel.


the idea that society evolves towards/toward greater complexity

fully evolved, highly evolved

These are very highly evolved animals.

Evolve is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑design, ↑gene, ↑idea, ↑market, ↑practice, ↑process, ↑relationship, ↑technology
Evolve is used with these nouns as the object: ↑style

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Evolve — may refer to: * Evolve , as in Evolution. *Evolve (TV series) on The History Channel *Evolve Festival, an annual music and cultural festival held in Nova Scotia, Canada. *Evolve Cars, an after market manufacturer of sport parts for Volvo cars …   Wikipedia

  • Evolve 4.0 — is an open source, freeware Artificial life simulator by Ken Stauffer. In its simulated 2D cellular automata, each cell represents a possible cell in a larger Digital organisms, which can grow, move, eat, reproduce, and eventually evolve over… …   Wikipedia

  • evolve — UK US /ɪˈvɒlv/ verb [I or T] ► to develop gradually, or to make someone or something change and develop gradually: evolve into sth »Over the past three years he has evolved into one of America s most successful restaurant owners. evolve from sth… …   Financial and business terms

  • evolve — evolve; evolve·ment; co·evolve; …   English syllables

  • Evolve — E*volve , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Evolved}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Evolving}.] [L. evolvere, evolutum; e out + volvere to roll. See {Voluble}.] 1. To unfold or unroll; to open and expand; to disentangle and exhibit clearly and satisfactorily; to develop;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Evolve — E*volve , v. i. To become open, disclosed, or developed; to pass through a process of evolution. Prior. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • evolve — I verb advance, arise from, become, change into, come from, come to be, derive from, descend from, develop, emerge, evolvere, explicare, follow, grow from, have a common origin, issue, originate from, progress, result, spring from, take form,… …   Law dictionary

  • evolve — i välv, vȯlv vb, evolved; evolv·ing vt to produce by natural evolutionary processes vi to develop by or as if by evolution: undergo evolutionary change <an evolving theory of mental functioning (S. A. Green)> …   Medical dictionary

  • evolve — 1640s, to unfold, open out, expand, from L. evolvere to unroll, especially of books; figuratively to make clear, disclose; to produce, develop, from ex out (see EX (Cf. ex )) + volvere to roll (see VULVA (Cf. vulva)). Meaning to develop by… …   Etymology dictionary

  • evolve — *unfold, develop, elaborate, perfect Analogous words: progress, *advance: *mature, develop, ripen …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • evolve — [v] develop, progress advance, derive, disclose, educe, elaborate, emerge, enlarge, excogitate, expand, get, grow, increase, mature, obtain, open, result, ripen, unfold, work out; concepts 236,245,704 Ant. block, decrease, halt, stop …   New thesaurus

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