
complete, systematic, total

women's continued exclusion from political life

economic, political, social

the problem of social exclusion

racial (esp. AmE)

A 20-mile exclusion zone was set up around the power station to guard against further explosions.

order (BrE)

an exclusion order to keep your partner out of your home

to the exclusion of

Don't study a few topics to the exclusion of all others.

exclusion from

disciplinary measures including exclusion from school

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  • exclusion — [ ɛksklyzjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1486; esclusion av. 1350; lat. exclusio 1 ♦ Action d exclure qqn (en le chassant d un endroit où il avait précédemment sa place, ou en le privant de certains droits). ⇒ élimination, expulsion, 1. radiation. Prononcer l… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Exclusion — sociale L exclusion sociale est la relégation ou marginalisation sociale de personnes, ne correspondant pas ou plus au modèle dominant d une société. Elle n est généralement ni véritablement délibérée, ni socialement admise, mais constitue un… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • exclusion — ex·clu·sion /ik sklü zhən/ n 1: the act of excluding or state of being excluded; specif: refusal of entry into the U.S. by immigration officials review of deportation and exclusion orders compare deportation 2: something that excludes or is… …   Law dictionary

  • exclusion — Exclusion. s. f. Declaration par laquelle on exclud, ou l on est exclus de quelque honneur, charge, dignité, pretention, assemblée, &c. Donner l exclusion à quelqu un. il donna sa voix pour l exclusion d un tel. travailler à l exclusion. briguer… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • exclusion — ex‧clu‧sion [ɪkˈskluːʒn] noun [countable] 1. INSURANCE a particular event or risk that is mentioned in an insurance policy as something that the policy does not cover; = EXCEPTION: • Common exclusions in medical insurance policies are pregnancy …   Financial and business terms

  • exclusion — exclusion, social exclusion A process by which individuals or households experience deprivation , either of resources (such as income), or of social links to the wider community or society. During the 1980s, the language of social exclusion came… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Exclusion — Ex*clu sion, n. [L. exclusio: cf. F. exclusion. See {Exclude}.] 1. The act of excluding, or of shutting out, whether by thrusting out or by preventing admission; a debarring; rejection; prohibition; the state of being excluded. [1913 Webster] His …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • exclusión — sustantivo femenino 1. Acción y resultado de excluir: Nadie entiende su exclusión del concurso. La exclusión de este producto del mercado se debe a su mala calidad sanitaria …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • exclusion — has become the offically used word in education for what used to be called, rather more dramatically and with stronger physical implications, expulsion. Similarly, a school pupil is said to be excluded rather than (as formerly) expelled. But the… …   Modern English usage

  • exclusion — [eks klo͞o′zhən, iksklo͞o′zhən] n. [ME exclusioun < L exclusio < pp. of excludere] 1. an excluding or being excluded 2. a thing excluded to the exclusion of so as to keep out, bar, etc. exclusionary adj …   English World dictionary

  • exclusion — c.1400, from L. exclusionem (nom. exclusio), noun of action from pp. stem of excludere (see EXCLUDE (Cf. exclude)) …   Etymology dictionary

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