
1 series of performances/events
big, huge, major
spring, summer, etc.
three-day, five-day, etc.
international, local, national, regional, village
outdoor, street
arts, cultural
art, film, literary (esp. BrE), music, poetry
dance, drama (BrE), opera, theatre/theater
folk, jazz, rock, etc.
beer, wine
gay pride, pride
Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, etc.
flower (BrE)
have, hold
attend, go to, visit
organize, run
participate in (esp. AmE), take part in (esp. BrE)

The school has taken part in the festival since 1997.

appear at, play, play at

I like to play any big festivals.


The dance troupe will open the festival on June 13.

take place
begin, open, start
attract sb

The festival attracts thousands of visitors every year.

feature sb/sth

a festival featuring five local bands

commemorate sth, mark sth
director, organizer
events, programme/program

the film festival circuit

at a/the festival

He's appearing at a local folk festival tonight.

during a/the festival

the movies shown during the eight-day festival

in a/the festival

the events in this year's festival

2 religious celebration
great, important, major
pagan, religious
Christian, Hindu, etc.
celebrate, observe

The family always celebrates the Jewish festivals.

at/on a/the festival

the pilgrims who arrived on major festivals

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • festival — [ fɛstival ] n. m. • 1830; mot angl. « fête », de l a. fr. festival; lat. festivus « de fête » 1 ♦ Grande manifestation musicale. Des festivals. Festival de Salzbourg (Autriche), d Édimbourg (Écosse), de Bayreuth (Allemagne). Festival… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • festival — FESTIVÁL, festivaluri, s.n. Manifestare artistică (muzicală, teatrală etc.) cuprinzând o serie de reprezentaţii şi având caracter festiv. – Din fr. festival. Trimis de LauraGellner, 25.10.2006. Sursa: DEX 98  festivál s. n., pl. festiváluri… …   Dicționar Român

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  • Festival — Sn std. stil. (20. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ne. festival im Sinne von (wiederkehrende) größere Veranstaltung im kulturellen oder sportlichen Bereich . ne. festival Adj. bedeutet zunächst nur festlich und ist bei der Bezeichnung derartiger… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • Festival — Fes ti*val, a. [OF. festival, fr. L. festivum festive jollity, fr. festivus festive, gay. See {Festive}.] Pertaining to a fest; festive; festal; appropriate to a festival; joyous; mirthful. [1913 Webster] I cannot woo in festival terms. Shak.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • festival — festìvāl m <G festivála> DEFINICIJA 1. priredba posvećena važnom događaju, kojom se što slavi uz određene ceremonije; festum, svečanost, svetkovina 2. periodična velika kulturna priredba, smotra umjetnosti [filmski festival; muzički… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Festival — »kulturelle (besonders musikalische) Großveranstaltung«: Das Wort wurde im 20. Jh. aus dem Engl. entlehnt. Gleichbed. engl. festival beruht auf afrz. festival, einer roman. Weiterbildung von lat. festivus »festlich« (vgl. ↑ Fest) …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

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