
1 secure grip with your feet
firm, sure

He struggled to keep his footing on the slippery floor.

be sure of

She looked over her shoulder to be sure of her footing.

lose, miss
provide (sb with)

The sole of this shoe will provide a firm footing even on slippery surfaces.

2 basis on which sth exists/operates
firm, good, proper, secure, solid, sound, strong, sure
equal, the same

All claimants stand on an equal legal footing.


The arrangement was put on a permanent footing earlier this year.

commercial (esp. BrE), financial, legal

The army was placed on a war footing (= prepared for war).

be on, stand on

The two teams stand on an equal footing.

be back on
gain, get, have

Planning procedures gained a footing in local government.

regain (esp. AmE)

His career never quite regained its footing.

get (sth) on, place sth on, put sth on

We need to get the business on a sound footing.

get (sth) back on
on a … footing

an attempt to put the economy on a more secure footing

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • footing — foot‧ing [ˈfʊtɪŋ] noun 1. a sound/​firm/​solid footing good financial arrangements under which a business operates: • He has put the company on a sound financial footing. 2. on an equal footing/​on the same footing if two people, companies etc… …   Financial and business terms

  • footing — [ futiŋ ] n. m. • 1885; mot angl. détourné de son sens « pied, position » ♦ Marche pratiquée pour le plaisir ou à titre d exercice physique. ⇒aussi jogging. Il fait du footing chaque matin au bois de Boulogne. ● footing nom masculin (créé sur l… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Footing — Foot ing, n. 1. Ground for the foot; place for the foot to rest on; firm foundation to stand on. [1913 Webster] In ascent, every step gained is a footing and help to the next. Holder. [1913 Webster] 2. Standing; position; established place; basis …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • footing — [foot′iŋ] n. [ME fotinge: see FOOT & ING] 1. Now Rare a moving on the feet; walking, dancing, etc. 2. a secure placing of the feet [to lose one s footing] 3. a) the condition of a surface with regard to its suitability, for walking, running, etc …   English World dictionary

  • footing — s.n. (Sport) Tip de antrenament în care se alternează cursele cu marşurile pentru a întări rezistenţa gambelor şi a respiraţiei. [pron. fú tin. / < engl., fr., it. footing < foot – a merge pe jos]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 02.04.2005. Sursa …   Dicționar Român

  • footing — [n1] foundation, basis basement, bedrock, bottom, establishment, foot, foothold, ground, groundwork, infrastructure, installation, resting place, seat, seating, settlement, substratum, substructure, underpinning, understructure, warrant; concepts …   New thesaurus

  • footing — (del inglés; pronunciamos futin ) sustantivo masculino 1. (no contable) Área: deporte Ejercicio físico que consiste en correr a un ritmo moderado durante un cierto tiempo: Hace footing todas las mañanas …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • footing — (Voz fr.), y esta con cambio de sentido del ingl. footing, posición). m. Paseo higiénico que se hace corriendo con velocidad moderada al aire libre …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • footing — ► NOUN 1) (one s footing) a secure grip with one s feet. 2) the basis on which something is established or operates. 3) the foundations of a wall, usually with a course of brickwork wider than the base of the wall …   English terms dictionary

  • footing — index ground, plight, position (situation), posture (situation), status Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton …   Law dictionary

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