
1 people/period of time
current, present
new, younger

The older generation preferred the traditional kind of ceremony.

coming, future, later, next, rising

The forest will be preserved for future generations.

earlier, former, last, past, preceding, previous

These children seem to have a stronger sense of purpose than the previous generation.

the wisdom of past generations

first, second, etc.

The second generation of immigrants often adopted British names.

a second-generation Korean-American artist

subsequent, succeeding, successive

Succeeding generations have added to the stock of stories and legends.


The First World War slaughtered a whole generation.

baby-boom, baby-boomer (= people born after the Second World War), post-war
generation X (= people born between the early 1960s and the middle of the 1970s who seem to lack a sense of direction in life)

a lost generation of dropouts

belong to

people who belong to a younger generation

date back, go back, stretch back

a family history stretching back generations

grow up

a generation who grew up on fast food


I was aware of a real generation gap between us.

for a generation

The consequences of the leak may not become apparent for a generation or more.

for generations

This kind of apple has been grown for generations.

from generation to generation

The recipe has been handed down from generation to generation.

from one generation to the next
2 production of sth
electricity, power

different methods of power generation

income, revenue

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Generation — Generation …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • Generation —  Generation …   Hochdeutsch - Plautdietsch Wörterbuch

  • génération — [ ʒenerasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • XIIIe; generatiun v. 1120; lat. generatio ♦ Action d engendrer. 1 ♦ Production d un nouvel individu; fonction par laquelle les êtres se reproduisent. ⇒ reproduction. Génération asexuée. ⇒ multiplication; scissiparité,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Generation Z — (also known as Generation M, the Net Generation, or the Internet Generation) is a common name in the US and other Western nations for the group of people born from the early 2000s through to the present.[1][2][3][4] The generation has grown up… …   Wikipedia

  • Generation Y — Génération Y Le terme « génération Y » désigne les personnes nées entre la fin des années 1970 et le milieu des années 1990. Il tire son nom de la génération précédente, nommée génération X. D autres termes équivalents existent :… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Generation X — is a term used to describe generations in the United States and other countries born between the approximate years of 1965 to 1981, [,8599,1731528,00.html Gen X: The Ignored Generation? TIME ] ] the late… …   Wikipedia

  • Generation — Génération Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom …   Wikipédia en Français

  • generation — gen‧e‧ra‧tion [ˌdʒenəˈreɪʆn] noun 1. [uncountable] MANUFACTURING the process of producing energy or power: • the generation of electricity 2. [uncountable] COMMERCE the process of producing or increasing income, profits, sa …   Financial and business terms

  • generation — Generation. s. f. Action d engendrer. Propre à la generation. inhabile à la generation incapable de generation. On dit en Theologie en parlant des Personnes divines, que Le Fils vient du Pere par voye de generation, & le saint Esprit du Pere & du …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Generation — • Definitions include: a definite period of time, with a special reference to the average length of man s life; an indefinite period of time, of time past; the men who lived in the same period of time who were contemporaries; a race or class of… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Generation O! — Logo Genre Animated series Developed by Sunbow Entertainment Directed by …   Wikipedia

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