
genuine, legitimate, real

Some people will complain even if they have no genuine grievance.

historical (esp. AmE), long-standing, old
individual, personal
economic, political, social

By the 1950s, political grievances were again being voiced.

harbour/harbor, have, nurse

She still nursed her old grievance.

air, express, voice
file (AmE)
hear (formal), listen to

No one would listen to their grievances.

address, redress, remedy (esp. BrE), settle

Managers would make every effort to address individual grievances.

procedure, process
committee (AmE)
grievance about, grievance over

The meeting will be a chance to air your grievances about the organization.

grievance against

He had a personal grievance against the professor.

a sense of grievance

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • grievance — griev‧ance [ˈgriːvns] noun 1. [countable] HUMAN RESOURCES a complaint made by a worker to an employer, usually because they feel they have been treated unfairly: • All shopfloor grievances will be passed on to management. • You must pursue your… …   Financial and business terms

  • grievance — griev·ance / grē vəns/ n 1: a cause of distress (as an unsatisfactory working condition or unfair labor practice) felt to afford a reason for complaint or dispute; esp: a violation of a collective bargaining agreement usu. by the employer 2: the… …   Law dictionary

  • Grievance — «Grievance» sencillo de Pearl Jam del álbum Binaural Formato CD, casete, Vinil Grabación 16 de mayo de 2000 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Grievance — Griev ance, n. [OF. grevance. See {Grieve}, v. t.] 1. A cause of uneasiness and complaint; a wrong done and suffered; that which gives ground for remonstrance or resistance, as arising from injustice, tyranny, etc.; injury. [1913 Webster] 2.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • grievance — c.1300, state of being aggrieved, from O.Fr. grevance harm, injury, misfortune, trouble, suffering, from grever to harm, to burden (see GRIEVE (Cf. grieve)). In reference to a cause of such a condition, from late 15c …   Etymology dictionary

  • grievance — wrong, injustice, injury Analogous words: hardship, rigor (see DIFFICULTY): *trial, tribulation, affliction, cross …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • grievance — [n] complaint, gripe affliction, ax to grind*, beef*, bellyache*, big stink*, blast, case, cross*, damage, distress, flack*, grief, grouse*, hardship, holler*, hoo ha*, howl*, injury, injustice, jeremiad*, kick, knock*, objection, outrage, pain,… …   New thesaurus

  • grievance — ► NOUN ▪ a real or imagined cause for complaint …   English terms dictionary

  • grievance — [grēv′əns] n. [ME grevaunce < OFr grevance < grever: see GRIEVE] 1. a circumstance thought to be unjust or injurious and ground for complaint or resentment 2. complaint or resentment, or a statement expressing this, against a real or… …   English World dictionary

  • grievance — n. 1) to air, vent a grievance 2) to file, submit a (formal) grievance 3) to hear a grievance (the committee heard the grievance) 4) to nurse a grievance 5) to redress; settle a grievance 6) a justified, legitimate, valid; unjustified grievance… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • grievance — griev|ance [ˈgri:vəns] n [U and C] a belief that you have been treated unfairly, or an unfair situation or event that affects and upsets you ▪ anyone who has a legitimate grievance against the company ▪ a means of overcoming genuine grievances ▪… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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