- archive
- {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} nounADJECTIVE▪ extensive, massive, rich, vast▪ historical▪ data, film, news, newspaper, photo, photographic, sound▪
The recordings are preserved in the museum's sound archives.
▪ digital, electronic, online▪ searchable▪ email, Internet, Web▪ county (esp. BrE), family, local, national, personal, private, public, stateVERB + ARCHIVE▪ build, build up, create, set up▪We are collecting documents to build up an archive.
▪ house, keep, maintain▪the person responsible for keeping the archives
▪the building which houses the state archives
▪ open▪There were ambitious plans to open the archives to the public.
▪ access▪ check, consult, examine, look through, searchARCHIVE + VERB▪ contain sth, hold sth, include sthARCHIVE + NOUN▪ collection▪ film (esp. BrE), footage▪archive footage of the victory celebrations
▪ material▪ file, page (both computing)PREPOSITION▪ among the archives▪There are many clues hidden among the archives of the local museum.
▪ from an/the archive▪some photographs from the library's archives
▪ in an/the archive▪No record of this letter exists in the archives.
▪{{Roman}}II.{{/Roman}}The data is now held in the company archives.
verbArchive is used with these nouns as the object: ↑email
Collocations dictionary. 2013.