
1 suffering from/caused by hysteria
act, be, sound

Susan realized that she sounded hysterical.

become, get, go

Calm down, you're getting hysterical.

almost, nearly

Now Mary was almost hysterical.

a little, slightly, etc.
mildly, rather
increasingly (esp. BrE)

The political rhetoric is increasingly hysterical.


Her parents were hysterical with panic. (figurative)

The audience was almost hysterical with laughter.

2 very funny
absolutely, totally (esp. AmE)

The whole episode was absolutely hysterical!

Hysterical is used with these nouns: ↑fit, ↑giggle, ↑laughter, ↑outburst, ↑scream, ↑woman

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Hysterical — est un film américain réalisé par Chris Bearde, sorti en 1983. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution 4 Autour du film …   Wikipédia en Français

  • hysterical — hys*ter ic*al a. Extremely funny. [Colloq.] [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hysterical — index frenetic, uncontrollable Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • hysterical — 1610s, from L. hystericus of the womb, from Gk. hysterikos of the womb, suffering in the womb, from hystera womb (see UTERUS (Cf. uterus)). Originally defined as a neurotic condition peculiar to women and thought to be caused by a dysfunction of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • hysterical — [adj] very upset, excited agitated, berserk, beside oneself, blazing, carried away*, convulsive, crazed, crazy, delirious, distracted, distraught, emotional, fiery, frantic, frenzied, fuming, furious, impassioned, impetuous, in a fit, incensed,… …   New thesaurus

  • hysterical — ► ADJECTIVE 1) associated with or suffering from hysteria. 2) wildly uncontrolled. 3) informal extremely funny. DERIVATIVES hysterically adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • hysterical — [hi ster′i kəl] adj. [ HYSTERIC + AL] 1. of or characteristic of hysteria 2. a) like or suggestive of hysteria; emotionally uncontrolled and wild b) extremely comical 3. having or subject to hysteria hysterically …   English World dictionary

  • hysterical — [[t]hɪste̱rɪk(ə)l[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED Someone who is hysterical is in a state of uncontrolled excitement, anger, or panic. Police and bodyguards had to form a human shield around him as the almost hysterical crowds struggled to approach him... He… …   English dictionary

  • hysterical — hys|ter|i|cal [hıˈsterıkəl] adj 1.) unable to control your behaviour or emotions because you are very upset, afraid, excited etc ▪ Janet became hysterical and began screaming. ▪ Everyone in the studio burst into hysterical laughter . 2.) informal …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • hysterical — hys|ter|i|cal [ hı sterıkl ] adjective * 1. ) behaving in an uncontrolled way because you are extremely excited, afraid, or upset: She wasn t hysterical, just crying. a ) reacting to something in an unreasonable way: Media coverage of the issue… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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